Price of chocolate tablets Expensive does not mean good - most expensive product loaded with nickel!

Price of chocolate tablets Expensive does not mean good - most expensive product loaded with nickel! / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: The most expensive chocolate is the worst

Especially in the weeks before Christmas, many people like to treat themselves to something more expensive products. The fact that more expensive foods are not necessarily associated with better quality, a study by Stiftung Warentest shows. The experts tested milk chocolate and found that the most expensive table is the worst.

High consumption promotes overweight

Chocolate is sometimes called a "sweet sin" because it can lead to obesity when consuming more. But there is nothing wrong with the occasional, moderate consumption. A little bit of chocolate can even make you happy and protect against stress. Those who value high-quality products do not necessarily have to dig deep into their pockets. As has been shown in a study by Stiftung Warentest, several cheap chocolates fare well. The most expensive table is the worst.

Stiftung Warentest tested 25 chocolates. 15 of them did "good", nine were "satisfactory". Only one board got the grade "sufficient" due to a heavy nickel load. (Image: digieye /

Quality does not have to be expensive

With milk chocolate not only children become weak. Stiftung Warentest has tested 25 high-quality and popular chocolates, including four organic products.

Almost all are milk and milk chocolate, one is a cream chocolate.

Well-known brands such as Hachez, Lindt, Merci, Milka and Ritter Sport were represented as well as panels by Aldi and Lidl.

It turned out that chocolates that cost more than three euros per 100 grams do not always fare better than those for around one euro.

Test winner belongs to the cheap chocolates

As the foundation reports in a statement, the test winner wears the Fairtrade seal and is one of the cheapest in the test with one euro per 100 grams.

The supplier of the best chocolate is a children and youth initiative. Your goal is climate justice.

According to the product test, the initiative convinced the manufacturer and retailer of their idea, and they do without their prize. So it is possible that for five sold panels a tree is planted in Mexico.

Most expensive product loaded with heavy metal nickel

A total of 15 of the 25 tested products are "good", nine "satisfactory".

The most expensive chocolate costs € 6.95 / 100g and cuts off only "sufficient" because it is heavily loaded with nickel.

According to the information, the heavy metal is mainly from the soil in the cocoa plant.

However, chocolate lovers do not have to worry about health effects after having enjoyed them, writes Stiftung Warentest.

However, experts have reported in the past that animal studies have shown that high nickel consumption can damage fertility and eczema in highly sensitized individuals.

Pleasing: No tested chocolate is significantly contaminated with pesticides or cadmium. And also the problem with the mineral oils have the manufacturers according to goods test meanwhile under control.

In recent years, mineral oils have been found in popular chocolates as well as in numerous Advent calendars and chocolate Easter bunnies.

Better to suck or bite?

Often the spirits divide on the question tenderly melting or crisp-firm? The test, which can be activated here for a fee, says which brands make friends of soft, creamy chocolates their money.

Their delicate enamel is produced according to the experts by stirring in conching machines, Conche for short. They melt slowly on the tongue. Those who like to bite off chocolate should resort to crisp plates. The test also reveals which firm bite provide.

Two products perform very well during the tasting: The testers describe both as particularly complex in smell and taste, as very creamy, as very intense creamy in the taste, very vanilla and very sweet.

However, there is not the only true chocolate taste for everyone. Some appreciate a less sweet, but intense cocoa flavor.

No right label

As the experts explain, milk chocolate consists to a large extent of sugar. In addition, according to the cocoa regulation, it must have at least 30 percent cocoa and 18 percent milk components.

A tested milk chocolate contains a little too little milk and should not be called "whole milk chocolate".

It should also be noted that many chocolates contain flavoring ingredients, but these are not always properly drawn.

For example, a product has "natural vanilla flavor" in the ingredient list, although only ethyl vanillin has been detected. This does not occur in nature - including in vanilla.

In addition, a well-known supplier on the back of the table vanilla blooms and pods, but uses the flavoring vanillin.

And another promises on the front of the packaging "refined with real bourbon vanilla", but only traces of vanilla were detected.

Only two products in the test contain vanilla in significant quantities. (Ad)