Chocolate with valuable antioxidants

Chocolate with valuable antioxidants / Health News

Comparative study: Black chocolate contains valuable antioxidants that make free radicals harmless and thus prevent cancer. In part, the researchers found higher levels than in different types of fruit.


Dark chocolate promotes good health, and this aspect is well known in many studies. How high the level of antioxidants is is what researchers at the Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition in Hershey say“ evaluated in Pennsylvania on the basis of a study. In the comparative study, the scientists discovered that dark chocolate even has a higher proportion of antioxidants than various fruit juices and fruit varieties.

Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of sensitive molecules, which is triggered by a reaction of mostly oxygen and other oxidizing chemicals. In general, antioxidants are also called „radical scavengers“ designated. In nature, antioxidants can be found especially in citrus fruits. The best-known antioxidant is vitamin C. The best way to illustrate the reaction of vitamin C is to sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice on a peeled apple. After a while, you can see that the non-dribbled areas turn brown, while the areas with lemon juice continue to retain the original color of the apple. Vitamin C, for example, prevents the digestive process from developing into carcinogenic substances from nitrite and secondary amines.

Comparative study: Partially higher levels in chocolate
During the study, researchers compared commercial cocoa powder, dark chocolate and hot drinking chocolate with the antioxidant levels of fruit juices with e.g. Pomegranates, h berberries or cranberries. They put a special focus on the polyphenol and flavanol contents of the individual types of fruit and chocolate. Polyphenols are said to be effective antioxidants that, among other things, neutralize atmospheric oxygen radicals. Flavanols are cardiovascular protective because, for example, they lower blood pressure.

The researchers discovered that the cocoa powder had partially higher values ​​than other powdered fruits and juices. Compared to other types of fruit, the same results were mostly achieved. The values ​​were also reflected in the dark chocolate. However, when the chocolate was heated and served as drinking chocolate, the antioxidant levels were minimized by heating the chocolate. In part, the health-promoting active ingredients were lost. For the researchers, the results are sensational. The study authors called the "cocoa seeds as a kind of superfruit".

Natural antioxidants are found mainly in mangoes, grapes, garlic, broccoli, ginger, coffee, tea, onions, wholegrain rice, tomatoes, asparagus, tomatoes and many other vegetables and fruits. In naturopathy, onions, turmeric and cranberry have always been considered „natural antibiotic“ used because they have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the human immune system. (Sb)

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Image: Thomas Siepmann