Shocking Smoking becomes a horror painting

Shocking Smoking becomes a horror painting / Health News
The times when smoking had its status as a cultural practice are over. In the 1980s, biology teachers warned the 16-year-olds with pictures of smoker's legs from the consequences of cigarette smoking and thus triggered the adolescent defiance reaction "to smoke first".

shock images
If you want to enjoy your Bahman in Iran, you are looking at a smoker's lung, just like the tobacco lover in the USA. In Germany, too, an EU directive comes into force on May 20, which aims to discourage people from smoking with horror images. 42 shock sequences show the consequences of nicotine consumption in the darkest of colors: smoker's lungs, amputated limbs or a rotten foot join the staged productions of, for example, aged skin. The fact that babies degenerate from smokers, that makes smoking blind or causes cancer, the potential smoker now not only in the text as before, but in as drastic pictures as possible.

Scary pictures show the dangers of smoking in the future.

The EU Directive
The EU anti-advertising directive requires that at least 65% of the front and back are filled with deterrence in text and image, cigarette packs, as well as turkey and hookah tobacco. To increase the effect, the individual packs show different motifs.

In addition, tobacco advertising in the cinema may run only after 18.00 and also in films with FSK from 18. From 2020 outdoor advertising for tobacco products and e-cigarettes is generally prohibited.

Ingredients prohibited
Prohibited in the future are all additives that make tobacco taste better, addiction or increase the toxic effect. Fruit flavor is just as much a part of it as menthol cigarettes.

Dangers of smoking
Tobacco smoke contains nearly 250 substances that are considered toxic, and nearly 100 are said to cause cancer. The smoke passes through the lungs into the blood and thus into the entire organism. The classic complaint of smokers is an inflamed and constricted lung, which is mainly due to respiratory distress.

Smoking is also said to damage potency, cause cardiovascular disease, reduce physical performance and harm the baby during pregnancy.

Smoking causes lung cancer and promotes up to a quarter of all other cancers. The cancer-causing substances in tobacco smoke not only cause lung cancer, but also cancer of the larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, stomach and cervix.

Smokers not only die more frequently from lung cancer than non-smokers, but also more frequently from other forms of cancer.

Every year about three million people die as a result of smoking, one in three of them die from lung cancer, and heavy smokers have life expectancy shortened by up to 20 years.

Alcohol and cigarettes
Alcohol to the cigarette significantly increases the risk of cancer once again. It dissolves the cancer-promoting substances in the tobacco smoke, paving the way, especially for carcinomas in the larynx, oral cavity and esophagus. The royal road, to curb the danger of cancer, would be to give up alcohol and cigarettes; letting one of them stay away reduces the risk already.

Successful deterrence?
Is anti-advertising with horror pictures successful? Sixty-two percent of Australia's ex-smokers surveyed said the scary images had influenced them to stop smoking.

Surveys among former smokers in Canada also showed that the manipulations strengthened their resolve to quit smoking.

Many active smokers, on the other hand, feel stigmatized as child molesters and fragile addicts are discriminated against.

Tobacco industry criticizes authoritarian state
Michael von Foerster, spokesman for the Association of the German Smoking Tobacco Industry (VdR) says: "It has to be put an end to an authoritarian health policy that defines socially undesirable behavior and then puts it in the pillory and thus discriminates against consumers. Today it's against tobacco, tomorrow against alcohol, sugar, fats and cars. "(Dr. Utz Anhalt)