Runny nose ointment from essential oils helps

Runny nose ointment from essential oils helps / Health News

Ointment with essential oil helps against the common cold nose


With the sudden onset of winter come the snuff noses. Against the stuffy nose quite recommendable are, according to the announcement of the Pharmacists Lower Saxony ointments with essential oil. Care should be taken when using nasal sprays. Excessive and prolonged use can cause more side effects. The pharmacy chamber advises therefore „If possible, use nasal sprays or drops at night only for a restful sleep and not longer than seven days to use.“

Can the person concerned despite nasal spray after a week not breathe freely again, should, according to the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen „Consult a doctor to rule out a serious condition.“ As nasal sprays are „Sprays with sterile, isotonic saline or sea salt“ recommended to gently dissolve the mucus. Even nasal douches and steam baths can be used according to the pharmacy chamber against clogged noses. Although they do not have a decongestant effect on the mucous membranes, ointments with essential oils from eucalyptus, peppermint or pine needles help to breathe freely through the cooling effect, reports the pharmacy chamber.

Risk of habituation effect with nasal spray
The long-term use of nasal sprays with decongestants contains, according to the Apothekerkammer the risk of habituation effect. As soon as the effect of the nasal spray subsides, the mucous membranes are particularly heavily supplied with blood, causing them to swell up. Patients who do not use the nasal spray have the feeling of a stuffy nose and the need to use nasal spray. In the long run, the mucous membranes dry out, as a result of which they can no longer fulfill their defense function and the risk of a germ attack increases, according to the Pharmacist's Chamber. Also in the nasal cavities under certain circumstances so-called Borken would form. As a result of the mucosal damage is also expected to increase nosebleed. (Fp)