Runny nose Intense wheezing or better pulling up your nose?

Runny nose Intense wheezing or better pulling up your nose? / Health News
Nose upholstery healthier than Naseputzen
The nasehochziehen is generally frowned upon. Already children are taught to snort into a handkerchief instead. It is also believed that the pulling up of mucus in the paranasal sinuses. But is that really true? Hartmut Kuske from the German GP's Association says that pulling up for health reasons is significantly better than the strong whining. Namely, the pressure from the whistling can lead to cold viruses entering the paranasal sinuses and possibly triggering sinusitis there. In some cultures, pulling up is considered socially acceptable.

While, for example, in China raising the nose in case of a runny nose is completely normal and the use of a handkerchief causes astonishment or disgust, Europeans often turn away disgusted when they pull their noses up. From a health point of view, however, this offers some advantages. "My advice is to pull up the nasal mucus as often as possible in cases of cold," emphasized Hartmut Kuske, who works as a general practitioner in Bernau near Berlin. The expert advises against heavy whining, as the pathogens can get deep into the paranasal sinuses in this way "and once they get in there, they usually do not come out again without problems." Not infrequently, the episode is painful and tedious sinusitis.

Often an inflammation in the nose can be seen as a concomitant in colds, but it can have very different causes and assume different forms. (Image: deagreez /

Avoid high pressure when cleaning your nose
Most Germans regularly use their handkerchiefs when it comes to constant colds, but in this way they often "catch up on additional problems", explained Hartmut Kuske. Nose upholstery does not correspond to the valid etiquette, but "clearly health-promoting." In order not to offend against the social norms and attract attention, instead of the noisy pulling up the nose could be cleaned very carefully, whereby the pressure should be kept as low as possible the statement of the general practitioner. "Hold a nostril while blowing your nose and reduce the pressure as much as possible," recommends Kuske the Verschnupften.

Cold symptoms as a sign of the defense reaction
If the pathogens enter the organism through the nose and mouth, they encounter immune cells in the mucous membranes that alert the immune system. Immediately antibodies are formed against the invaders and sent out so-called scavenger cells to destroy the infected cells to eliminate the virus back out of the organism. The symptoms such as cold and fever are actually immune responses of the body. The mucous membranes of the nose are supplied with more blood, then swell and form a secretion with which the viruses are removed.

The perceived as a fever increase in body temperature should actually help kill the germs. As the organism concentrates its forces on the fight against the infection, those affected feel generally ailing and dull. If the elimination of the infection succeeds, the immune system is resistant to the corresponding pathogens, however, the protection is not sufficient to ward off other pathogens, and therefore it can then come back to other colds.

Regular nasal rinses can effectively prevent colds. (Dan Race /

Nasal showers, inhalation and strengthening of the immune system effective against colds
An alternative treatment for colds is the use of nasal douches and the "inhalation with a few drops of essential oils, which are doused with hot water. In terms of prevention of cold, general measures that strengthen the immune system and compliance with hygiene rules generally apply. Sufficient hand washing keeps cold viruses at bay, it is also important to keep distance to obviously ill people. (Sb, fp)