Fast cycling extends lifespan

Fast cycling extends lifespan / Health News

Study: Fast cycling extends lifespan


Danish researchers studied the driving habits of cyclists and put them into relation with the relative lifetime. Those who cycle faster and more intensely can extend their life by an average of 5.3 years.

Cycling is generally healthy and keeps the body fit. The common advice of scientific medicine is to be active at least 30 minutes a day to reduce the risk of cardiac events. It was true, „The main thing is to be active, because every movement is better than none“. A recent study found that intensive cycling is more beneficial than slow and comfortable cycling. Researcher of the Danish

Fast cycling lowered mortality
During an 18-year long-term study, the team examined Dr. Peter Schnohr the driving habits of about 5,000 healthy Copenhageners who regularly used the bike. The objective question was whether the intensity of the effort correlated with the cyclist's mortality. During the study, 1172 subjects died, 146 of whom had died of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack. The scientists now compared the data and the intensity of the cycling of the subjects. In doing so, they found that it was not the duration but the physical effort as such that made a significant contribution to extending the lifespan significantly. „People who regularly experience a noticeable burden while riding a bicycle live much longer than comfortable cyclists“ so the conclusion of the study authors.

Compared to comfortable cycling, the life of men in speeding extended by 5.3 years and in women by 3.9 years. The medium tempo also showed advantages. Anyone who averaged slightly more than normal, could at least extend his lifetime by 2.9 (men) and 2.2 years (women) compared to contemplative cycling, as study author Dr. Peter Schnohr explained at the time-taking European Cardiology Congress in Paris. The researchers could not name a threshold speed; on the other hand, the subjective feeling of physical stress is important.

Loading duration did not matter
Unlike the common doctrine propagated, the load duration did not matter. Were the study participants 90 minutes a day on the road, the evaluation of the data showed no advantage over those who cycled only 20 minutes. Similar findings had the scientists for the „Walking“ described.

However, those who suffer from heart disease, should first consult his doctor and prepare the body slowly for training. If you drive fast, you should always put on a helmet, so the final advice of the authors. Even heavy falls can quickly shorten life. (Sb)

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Picture: Siegfried Fries