Fast weight loss without long-term success

Fast weight loss without long-term success / Health News

Only slow weight reduction promises lasting success


Losing weight or getting the character back on track is a widespread good intention for the new year. Many people have sworn by the beginning of this year to reduce their weight and from now on to eat healthier.

This is also known by the providers of the various diets and so it seems hardly surprising that currently the advertising machinery at Weight Watchers and Co. is running at full speed. But the often advertised rapid weight loss with little effort is in the opinion of the nutritionist Anja Bath of the Association of Oecotrophologen utopia. To achieve long-term success, the affected should take time for the slimming cures, because not the short-term effect count, but the change in habits, said the expert in an interview with the news agency „dpa“.

Jojo effect on lightning diets
The currently massively promoted different diets can indeed achieve a stunning effect in the short term, but always bring the risk of the yo-yo effect with them, as those affected after the conclusion of the diet back into their old eating habits, said the nutritionist. Those who want to reduce their weight in the long term should not fall for the advertising promises of lightning diets, but rather try to change their eating behavior in the long term - in case of doubt with the support of nutritional counseling, Anja Bath explained. „Losing weight should not count the fast effect, changing habits is important“, emphasized the expert. Otherwise, there is a risk of the yo-yo effect, in which the affected person increases more after the diet is over than they originally had. In addition, a massive weight loss in a short time for the organism is always associated with stress, which in turn can have negative health consequences, so that the flash diets do not seem to be recommended in this aspect.

Change eating habits to sustainably lose weight
The nutritionist recommends several steps instead of the questionable diets with which the eating habits can be changed in the long term. According to the expert, the best thing to do is to take stock of the actual eating behavior. For example, the creation of a food diary is recommended, „to capture the current situation“, explained Anja Bath. Ideally, those willing to lose weight should then sit down with a nutritionist who analyzes the records, Bath continues. According to the expert, sometimes just one session of nutritional counseling is enough to bring about a lasting change in eating habits. On the basis of the established eating behavior, realistic weight loss goals are to be deduced, which are also achievable for those affected, as this is more likely to maintain motivation, explained Anja Bath. If they follow a specific diet program, it should be ensured that this is based on scientific evidence and is also applicable in everyday life, said the expert. Here are questions about the timing of diets, the effort in the preparation of the various recipes and the procurement options of the required ingredients of particular importance in the selection of a workable diet program.

Warning of slimming cures on the Internet
The nutritionist, however, warned against the weight loss programs that attract with great promises in advertising or the Internet. These offers of help are not always serious. This was confirmed by the nutrition expert of Stiftung Warentest, Nicole Merbach. „When promises are made like Lose ten kilos in just one week, is the humbug“, Merbach told the news agency „dpa“. In addition, such lightning diets can represent a significant burden on the body, said the nutritionist Sonja Mannhardt from Freiburg. So is Mannhardt „Diet-induced, disturbed eating habits an increasing danger.“ According to the expert, such leaners put the body under stress and confuse the system of hunger and satiety. Anja Bath also stressed that diets are not a permanent solution and the weight problems can not be remedied in the long term with the help of a diet program.

Conscious diet and a lot of exercise
However, the nutritionist from the Association of Oecotrophologists admitted that there are diets, „which one can take as an entry.“ In such cases, the diet may help to initiate the fundamental dietary change that is crucial for long-term weight loss. Nicole Merbach added that sufferers need to learn to understand the signals of their body while losing weight and therefore „the confrontation with oneself very important“ be, even if this „sometimes uncomfortable.“ According to the consensus opinion of the two nutrition experts, sustainable success in losing weight is only possible through conscious nutrition and lots of exercise. The lightning diets, however, are often rather counterproductive. (Fp)

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Picture: Ernst Rose