Faster wound healing? Can zinc cure wounds better?

Faster wound healing? Can zinc cure wounds better? / Health News
Heal wounds faster through zinc?
If you scratch your knee or cut your finger, it is not unusual to hear the advice of using zinc ointment to heal the wound faster. Is that true? And what else can you do to better wound healing?

Home remedies support wound healing
Cut in the finger or scratched the knee: Everybody draws smaller and smaller wounds in the course of his life. Often just a patch is glued on it and waited until everything is healed. But the healing process can also be supported. It is popularly said that wounds heal better in salt water. But a clear explanation does not seem to exist. Experts often recommend treating wounds with fresh garlic. And some say zinc helps heal wounds faster. Is that true? A dermatologist has important information in a post on "Bild am Sonntag" ("BamS").

For minor injuries, zinc should help wounds heal faster. Is that really true? A dermatologist explains what the claim is. (Image: cicisbeo /

Zinc oxide relieves inflammation
The dermatologist dr. Uwe Wunderlich from Berlin explains in the newspaper that the active ingredient zinc oxide has a drying effect, relieves inflammation and protects against further friction, which would additionally irritate the skin. According to the physician, such ointments are particularly suitable for superficial, slightly oozing and little bleeding wounds, such as a sore baby's bottom, a blister on the heel or a wound on the buttock after too long cycling. However, if you have suffered deep injuries, the ointments can not do much. Then it says: Off to the doctor!

Lotions more suitable for sunburn
In sunburn, according to Dr. med. Wunderlich rather lotions with the cooling agent zinc oxide. A lotion is easy to distribute. The healing effect for the skin but have only ointments. Pills that contain zinc do not improve wound healing, he says in "BamS". Are the symptoms are not too strong, well-tried home remedies help with sunburn. Among other home remedies such as moist envelopes, cottage cheese, yoghurt, aloe vera or healing earth can be mentioned. (Ad)