Quick help for the mouth When the teeth are almost destroyed

Quick help for the mouth When the teeth are almost destroyed / Health News

First aid for the mouth: rescue damaged teeth

Serious illnesses such as inflammation of the dental pulp or accidents often affect the oral cavity severely. But modern medicine manages to preserve many a tooth that was already believed lost. "Even a fancy tooth does not mean that an implant needs to be used today," Dr. Stephan Ziegler, chief dentist and founder of the KU64 dental practice from Berlin.

This helps if the teeth are damaged (Image: bARTiko / fotolia.com)

Treat root

In inflammation of the pulp, also called dental pulp, dangerous bacteria penetrate, for example via carious holes in the interior of the tooth and attack there the sensitive tissue. While this disease used to often cause the affected tooth to be pulled, dentists today usually keep the denture intact through root canal treatment. "Under local anesthesia we remove the inflamed pulp through a small opening in the tooth. Fine special instruments dilate the root canal, so that it can then be disinfected by a rinsing solution and freed of any bacteria ", explains Dr. med. Ziegler. Finally, a filler closes the affected area and a crown stabilizes the treated tooth. "Many people find root canal treatment much worse than it actually is. Ultimately, it serves as a gentle alternative to pulling the diseased tooth, "emphasizes the KU64 expert.

Preserve tooth

Even accidents, especially in the sporting field, often cause the teeth to be damaged. Depending on the severity of the injury, different methods are suitable for their rescue. For broken edges, for example, a plastic adhesive helps to secure them back in place. But even in worse cases, such as tooth loss, the chances of restoring the original condition are good. "If neither the nerve nor the root is injured, we can actually get the tooth. Patients should, however, quickly visit a dentist and do not touch worn teeth on the root, so that it does not damage, "warns. Ziegler.

With a short transport time of a maximum of one hour, H-milk, saline or saliva are suitable for storage. In the meantime, rescue boxes with a special nutrient solution exist in which teeth can last up to 48 hours. After insertion, the practitioner fixes the tooth with a splint for about ten days so that it can regrow. Since he was permanently cut off from the nutrient supply as a result of the accident, a root canal treatment is then carried out to remove the pulp. Therefore, patients feel no pain or temperature differences at the affected area more, but the tactile sensation while biting remains. (sb, pm)