Act quickly in case of occupational allergy

Act quickly in case of occupational allergy / Health News

Investigate occupational allergies early and initiate appropriate countermeasures


It is not uncommon for a work-related allergy to result in disability for those affected and they can no longer exercise their original employment. For the first warning signs such as regular colds, coughing, itchy eyes or skin irritations that disappear at the weekend or during the non-working periods, according to the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians (VDBW) urgently a review should be made and respond in case of doubt with appropriate protective measures.

According to the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians suffers „every seventh German has a work-related allergy.“ In many professions, the employees were constantly exposed to allergy-causing substances and correspondingly high was the risk of occupational allergy, which could ultimately lead to disability of those affected. „Often those affected do not know that and on which substances in their working environment they are allergic“, reports the VDBW. According to the experts, the allergens are in most cases absorbed through the skin, with „There is an increased risk in virtually all occupations where you come into contact with water, chemicals, food, dirt, dust, plants or animals“, explained Dr. Wolfgang Panter, President of the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians. In principle, however, the possibility exists „to protect against all substances - you just have to use the protective measures properly.“

Protective clothing against occupational allergies
In many cases, according to the president of VDBW, the right protective gloves are enough to prevent allergic reactions in the employees. It is only important that if suspected allergy is traded immediately. With the help of the company doctor, appropriate protective measures can be taken to: „the workplace and, moreover, the occupational activity of the employees“, explained Dr. Panter. Customized strategies to avoid allergens are a promising approach here. Corresponding protective clothing and certain skin care products can be used in this sense, but also a complete restructuring of the workplace is conceivable.

Contact eczema and asthma due to allergens in the workplace
According to the VDBW, the most common forms of occupational allergies are allergic contact dermatitis and asthma. While the contact dermatitis often appears as an itchy rash, asthma manifests itself mainly in regular cough and occasional shortness of breath. Occupational asthma is usually associated with contaminated dust in the working environment, while the contact dermatitis due to external irritants due to harmful substances. Here, for example, the VDBW rates the increased use of epoxy resins in the construction industry extremely critically, as these substances can cause massive eczema even with little skin contact. To avoid this, a multi-stage concept developed jointly with the dermatologists is recommended „supported with medical care and personal advice in the daily work routine“, reports the VDBW. Also, some accident insurance providers offered special seminars in which those affected learn how to get their complaints under control in the workplace, explains VDBW President Dr. Ing. Panter. (Fp)