Remove snoring with tooth splint

Remove snoring with tooth splint / Health News
Orthodontic treatment for snoring?
Snoring can be an indication of serious illness and can lead to dangerous breathing interruptions during sleep. A self-test can provide an initial assessment, the East German dental associations report in their patient journal "ZahnRat" (Issue 86).

The patient journal of the dentists of the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia comprehensively illuminates the topic "snoring" and explains when it is to be assumed that sleep apnea is of medical concern. Not infrequently, the causes are to be found in the teeth and often, for example, can help a protrusion splints.

With regular snoring, a visit to the doctor may help. (Image: gpointstudio /

Causes of snoring
The sound of snoring arises in the upper respiratory tract when, during sleep, the muscles relax and the tongue slips backwards, causing the airways to narrow. As you breathe, the soft tissues in the throat begin to vibrate and create the snoring sound. Even a nasal obstruction may cause snoring, which in turn can be caused by anatomical features or diseases such as a cold. As further reasons for a handicapped nasal breathing in the patient magazine "ZahnRat" among other things are called maxillary sinus inflammations or also allergies.

Have snores examined by a doctor
With regular snoring, a medical check is urgently required, even to rule out more serious illnesses. In addition, special splints can help against snoring and sleep apnea, the East German dental associations say. Before going to bed, the splint is inserted on rows of upper and lower teeth. She presses the lower jaw forward slightly, whereby the tongue is vorverlagert with surrounding soft tissue. The airway in the throat is kept open during sleep for a healthy breathing without snoring and breathing. However, for such a rail enough own, fixed teeth must be present on which the rails can be placed. "Eight to ten fixed teeth per jaw are the minimum: although crowned teeth are possible," reports "ZahnRat".

Tips against snoring
The national dental associations keep in their patient magazine also basic tips against snoring ready. In the first place, it is important to lose excess weight. Because fat even accumulates in the throat area and thus narrows the breath diameter. In addition, sufferers should drink in the last three to four hours before bedtime no alcohol and abstain from sleeping pills, as their relaxing effect, the muscles relax, reports "ZahnRat". When sleeping, the lateral or prone position should be preferred because the supine position often leads to snoring. Also, consistent, fixed sleep times could help against snoring. For children, orthodontic treatment may also be appropriate, eliminating any childhood pediatric bite and skull abnormalities that cause sleep-disordered breathing. For example, according to ZahnRat, a tall, narrow palate may be widened, or a lower jaw may be developed forward. (Fp)