Painkillers often end in severe headaches

Painkillers often end in severe headaches / Health News
Permanent headache: Unpleasant side effect of analgesics such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen
Those who have a headache often resort to painkillers with active ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and paracetamol. However, these drugs, which are available over-the-counter at the pharmacy, can have an unpleasant side effect: dull, long-lasting headaches, especially if taken regularly. Doctors therefore advise other methods to relieve the pain.

Headaches can be triggered by analgesics when taken over a long period of time. (Image: psdesign1 / fotolia)

Headaches can have different causes
Excessive use of painkillers can cause permanent headaches. This is indicated by the Professional Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN). Especially people who suffer from migraine are affected. Special migraine remedies triggered more frequent attacks in some patients.

"If a persistent headache has developed, the use of any analgesic must be suspended for at least 14 days," explains Frank Bergmann from the BVDN in an interview with the news agency "dpa". "About 80 percent of sufferers feel better afterwards." Painkillers and migraine medications should not be taken more than ten times a month and not more than three days, unless otherwise instructed by a doctor.

For people who often suffer from headaches, a consultation with a specialist is essential. This can diagnose the type of headache and order the necessary treatment. Thus, it should be clarified whether it is primary headache (tension-type headache, migraine, cluster headache or other trigemino-autonomic headache disorders) or whether the symptoms are symptom of another disease.

Combat headaches as much as possible with relaxation exercises and sports instead of medications
Not only medicines help with many types of headaches. "For example, endurance sports such as swimming, cycling or Nordic walking can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks," reports Bergmann. "Improved self-awareness also helps to know when to take a break." Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training can also help to relax. It is not uncommon for stress-related muscle tensions in the shoulder and neck area to cause headaches. Then already a warming and soothing bath can provide relief.

Painkillers should never be taken for prevention, unless there is a medical order. An exception may be, for example, when targeted treatment for migraine attacks has not helped, more than three attacks occur per month, medications are not well tolerated, or the condition severely limits quality of life.

According to the BVDN, "Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases. In Germany, between twelve and fourteen percent of women and six to eight percent of men suffer from it ". Home remedies for headaches proved helpful. (Ag)

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