Painkiller overdose may increase headache

Painkiller overdose may increase headache / Health News

Overuse of analgesics can aggravate headaches

Millions of people in Germany always suffer from headaches. Many sufferers then quickly resort to over-the-counter medicines. But who too often swallows such painkillers runs the risk of even aggravating the symptoms. This is what health experts point out. Often, headaches can be treated without medication.

It does not always have to be medication

Pain on the temples and a buzzing skull: Headaches are now among the common diseases. Although the symptoms can be remedied in many cases with home remedies such as peppermint oil, lemon balm or coffee with lemon, but many Germans prefer to resort to medication. If this happens too often, there is a risk that the pain will be further intensified, experts say.

Experts believe that at least half a million people in Germany have headache caused by pain or migraine remedies. Often, the symptoms can be treated without medication. (Image: gpointstudio /

Become proactive against pain

Painkillers and migraine medications can exacerbate pre-existing headaches and turn them into a chronic disease if taken too often, too long or too high in doses.

The German Society of Neurology (DGN) and the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) therefore recommend people with frequent headaches to take preventive measures against the pain in order not to get caught up in a vicious circle of pain and medication.

"Uncomplicated migraine or tension-type headache can often treat patients themselves. However, they should not take painkillers more than ten days a month, "explains PD Dr. med. Stefanie Förderreuther, President DMKG in a communication.

Targeted prevention can reduce the need for analgesics. According to the neurologist, most patients could get their headaches under control with medical and possibly psychotherapeutic help.

Headache caused by pain or migraine

The experts assume that at least half a million people in Germany have pain caused by pain or migraine headache.

"The clinical picture is more common in women, in patients with depression, anxiety disorders, or other chronic pain, e.g. Back pain, "explains Prof. Hans-Christoph Diener, Essen, headache expert of the DGN.

"Most patients do not suspect that painkillers can be the cause of pain," Diener says.

This makes it all the more important for experts to explain the risk and to advise on effective treatment alternatives.

New guideline

In the new guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of headache by overuse of painkillers and migraine medications, Diener and his colleagues recommend a three-step procedure for persons who are affected by overuse and persistent headache.

"The first step should always be the training and counseling of patients, with the goal of reducing the intake of acute medications," explains PD Dr. med. Charly Gaul, Secretary General of DMKG.

"The second step is a drug prophylaxis of the underlying headache disease," said the expert.

"Does not work this therapy, should be sought as a third step, a drug break. Depending on the constellation, this withdrawal can be performed on an outpatient, day-clinic or inpatient basis. "

Endurance sports and relaxation against headache attacks

In order to avoid headache caused by too much medication, DGN and DMKG recommend a consistent preventative treatment.

In addition to medication, endurance sports, relaxation and stress management can help to prevent headache attacks.

"Behavioral therapy has also proven effective in prophylaxis," explains Prof. Peter Kropp, director of the Institute of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the University of Rostock.

Possibilities of prevention are not exhausted

However, these possibilities of prevention would by no means be exhausted, notes Stefanie Förderreuther

"Many patients simply do not know that you can prevent headache as a preventative measure. That's just not in people's minds. This is partly because they only see the acute treatment of headaches in advertising, "says the expert.

"For preventive, usually prescription drugs, however, may not be advertised. And behind behavioral preventive strategies there is no company that would have an interest in advertising. "

According to the doctor, most patients can be helped with a guideline-based therapy. Even headaches from overuse of acute medications are treatable and not a dead end. (Ad)