Painful hydropathy Vaseline and cotton wool can help the ear

Holiday season is swimming time and at the same time high season for inflammation in the auditory canal. However, the so-called Badeotitis can be prevented by simple means, unless there are organic causes. For example, regular rinsing of the ear canals and subsequent drying prevents germ colonization. This is indicated by the HNOnet NRW, an association of established ENT doctors.
Dr. Uso Walter chairman of the network explains the background: "During swimming inevitably water and bacteria with it in the ear. In this warm, humid climate, the skin softens and germs penetrate more easily. "The skin between the auricle and the eardrum inflames. In addition, the water flushes the protective lard film from the ear. The first signs range from itching to sometimes severe earache. Later, sometimes purulent or bloody secretions from the affected ear join. If you look into the ear, you see a red, swollen, dry and flaky skin. If auditory canals become blocked, hearing may even be impaired. If such symptoms occur, the procedure is indicated to the ENT specialist. He cleans the ear, treats the bathtots with soaked gauze strips and possibly with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops. "As a rule, the diphtheria heals within a few days without complications," Dr. Walter.

Those who do not want to get that far should do without swimming in polluted waters or seal their ears with plugs or Vaseline greased cotton wool. Also, rinsing the ear canals with clear water after swimming and then drying with a hair dryer help. In addition, avoid minor injuries in the ear canal, such as those caused by scratching with your fingernails or other sharp objects. Although cotton swabs do not cause any injuries, they do remove the important earwax protective film that actually prevents ear infections. Incidentally, the same applies to the excessive cleaning with shampoo or soap. This increases the ph value in the ear canal and destroys the protective environment.
For year-round ear infections clarify causes
However, children suffering from year-round painful ear infections, an ENT doctor should clarify the cause, to prevent possible long-term consequences. There is a danger that fluid accumulates in the middle ear or adhesions of the eardrum and ossicles occur. This can affect hearing and language development. Triggers are usually a poor ear ventilation caused by polyps in the nasopharynx, allergies or colds. As a result, bacteria or viruses can easily penetrate from the nose into the middle ear and multiply there.