Pain after gardening Bear claw can cause burns and rashes

Pain after gardening Bear claw can cause burns and rashes / Health News

Painful experience with bear claw: man wanted to cut off his leg

In the UK, a man was thinking of cutting off his leg because of extreme pain. The 32-year-old had previously contracted blisters in gardening through contact with Bear Claw, which lit up. Now he wants to warn the public about the dangerous plant.

Blisters inflamed

The suffering of Nathan Davies began after gardening in Wales. The British newspaper Daily Mail reported that the 32-year-old man had a couple of blisters on his leg caused by contact with bear claws. The father's bladder had burned badly and he was in such pain that he was thinking of cutting off his "leg off the knee," the realtor told the newspaper. Now the Brit wants to warn the public of the dangers of the plant.

Touching the Giant Bear Claw can have painful consequences. But also contact with conventional bear claw threatening massive health hazards, as a case from the UK shows. (Image: Fixativ /

Injuries in gardening

According to the Daily Mail report, the man's ordeal began on May 20, when he worked with his father in warm garden temperatures.

Dressed in shorts, they cut the hedges and plants, "so I had some cuts and scratches - but I did not think anything of it".

But two days later, bubbles formed on his leg. "They looked like burns - like the kind of burns you get from a stove. But then they really started to grow up, "recalls the 32-year-old.

He first tried not to show the blisters at home and not to let his suffering show. But a few days later he collapsed in pain and was taken to hospital.

Man needed emergency operations

There a nurse with antibiotics wanted to send him back home. However, when a doctor glanced at his leg, it was clear he needed emergency surgery. According to him, he was already 20 minutes later on the operating table.

As the report says, the blisters had become severely infected. The doctors had to open the leg from the kneecap to the ankle - the wound remained open and bandaged, as his skin was "eaten" by the infection.

After the first surgery, another was needed the following day.

"The pain was so bad that I could not even stand up - I still can not put pressure or weight on my leg," Davies said.

Patient could have lost his leg

"Part of me just wants to cut my leg off my knee," said the 32-year-old. "I have never experienced such a pain in my life."

According to the information, a third operation should follow to wash out the wound. A skin graft could also be necessary.

The patient is dependent on strong analgesics such as morphine and codeine for some time.

He pointed out that he was even lucky: "The doctors told me that if the infection had spread to my calf, I would have lost my muscles and my whole leg would have been gone," Davies said.

He has now told of his painful experience, hoping to warn others about the possible dangers of bear claw and to treat wounds in time.

Injuries due to ordinary bear claw

According to the newspaper report, Davies suffered injuries from ordinary bear claws. As dangerous but especially the Giant Bear Claw (also called Hercules Shrub) is considered. This is neither in the UK nor in this country to the native plant species.

According to the Saarland Chamber of Agriculture, in the 19th century it was imported from the Caucasus as an ornamental plant. Because of its enormous seed production of 10,000 to 50,000 pieces per plant, the Giant Bear Claw in Germany was able to proliferate.

Furthermore, its high adaptability and the buoyancy of seeds have promoted the massive spread. The weeds are mainly found on unmanaged moist soil and on cycling and hiking trails.

Dangerous Giant Bear Claw

The Giant Bear Claw causes burns and rashes, especially in sunshine.

Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml said in an earlier statement: "The sap contains contact poisons that override the natural UV protection of the skin. They can cause burns on the skin in combination with sunlight. Therefore, the Giant Bear Claw should not be touched. "

Since especially children would like to play with the plant up to four meters high, the Minister emphasized: "Parents should therefore point out the painful consequences. Under certain circumstances, skin reactions can only be triggered days later by sunlight. "

And further: "For sensitive people and allergy sufferers touching the plant can also cause fever, shortness of breath or a circulatory shock."

But even non-allergic people can after the contact with the plant complaints such as an itchy rash with redness and blistering set.

The politician, who is a trained doctor, explained what to do after touching the weed:

"After a contact with the Giant Bear Claw, a shady place should be visited. Thereafter, it is advisable to wash the affected skin quickly with soap and water - better still with alcohol. If skin reactions still occur, it is advisable to see a doctor. "(Ad)