Relieve pain with organic feedback method Strong pain just think away

Relieve pain with organic feedback method Strong pain just think away / Health News
Can pain be alleviated by consciously influencing our thought? Many will think that this is unrealistic or belongs to the "miracle cure" department. But that's what scientifically confirms the biofeedback therapy.

In this case, unconscious body signals, e.g. Backed up by computer use, which can be learned to influence them more. Successes of the new method can be seen in many clinical pictures such. Migraine and tension headache.

Heartbeat and breathing are consciously influenced
Healing with the power of thought: This idea is behind the gentle method of pain relief called "Bio-Feedback". This is a special procedure of behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine, through which unconscious bodily functions are "consciously" perceived and thereby better controlled. "Biofeedback is about deliberately influencing involuntary functions such as heart rate, skin temperature, sweating, breathing or muscle activity," explains Lothar Niepoth, President of the German Society for Biofeedback (DGBfb), in an interview with the news agency dpa..

Control pain with thoughts. Image: - fotolia

Special devices convert unconscious functions into visible signals
To record these "biosignals" and convert them into visible (as graphics on the monitor) or audible (sound) signals, the biofeedback therapist needs special equipment. If the patient relaxes during the treatment, the devices indicate the physical changes due to this condition. Through the visual and / or auditory feedback of the unconscious processes, the person concerned learns to better understand their own body or experiences how relaxation feels and how it can be strengthened. "It's an objective method for measuring, amplifying and reporting physical signals," explains Prof. Peter Kropp, vice president of the German Migraine and Headache Society and director of the Institute of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the University of Rostock.

The biofeedback therapy is now used in many areas and is from an expert's perspective for the concomitant treatment of numerous diseases and symptoms such. Hypertension, bronchial asthma, back pain and chronic muscle tension, as well as e.g. used in psycho-neurological disorders such as epilepsy or the so-called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Even with migraine, it has already proven itself many times to interact with the body through bio-feedback. In the prevention of painful migraine attacks, the therapy is even as effective as drugs, Prof. Peter Kropp emphasized to the "dpa". Therefore, the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) recognized the biofeedback therapy and included it as a treatment recommendation in its guidelines.

Meta-analysis proves the effectiveness of the procedure
So far, it is not fully understood how a migraine attack develops. It is known, however, that in many patients, before the onset of the pain phase, the cerebral arteries initially narrow (vasoconstriction), but then suddenly expand again during the attack. In biofeedback, therefore, a sensor can be attached to the forehead, which measures the diameter of the temporal artery and this is e.g. in the form of bars on a screen. The patient now tries to change the vessel width or the distance between the bars with the force of his thoughts, e.g. Imagine coldness to narrow the artery. "There is no strategy that fits all patients. You just have to try out what works, "explains Kropp.

Accordingly, there is no guaranteed success with organic feedback. Very important for a good result is the commitment of the person concerned, because according to the psychologist Julia Graef of the University of Marburg, the patient must work with this method. A few years ago, scientists from the University of Marburg around Yvonne Nestoriuc had analyzed more than 50 studies on the efficacy of biofeedback in migraine as part of a meta-analysis. They concluded that the method reduces both duration and frequency of seizures.

Exercises at home are crucial to success
"On average, eight to eleven sessions are needed to learn the strategies against the pain," explains Julia Graef, who works as a bio-feedback therapist herself. Besides that, it is also very important to practice at home. Because the method can only be successful in the long term if the patient learns to apply his individual strategies against the pain without the feedback of the computer.

It is also important to look closely at the search for a suitable therapist. Because the therapy is also advertised by unserious providers, warns Lothar Niepoth. "You should always be skeptical when a therapist gives promises of salvation," says the expert. Helpful information could be obtained from the German Society for Biofeedback and the German Migraine and Headache Society. According to Niepoth, the costs for one hour of bio-feedback from a professional provider would amount to more than 80 euros - but only a few cases will be covered by the health insurance companies. (No)