Observe swallowing disorders of nursing home residents

Observe swallowing disorders of nursing home residents / Health News

Watch for dysphagia in old age


Experts advise to pay attention to dysphagia in nursing home residents. Up to 60 percent of them would suffer. If the problem is not treated, further health problems threaten.

Up to 60 percent of nursing home residents affected
The German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) advises to respect swallowing problems in nursing home residents. According to the DGVS up to 60 percent of all nursing home residents suffer from it. And in old age, other functions of the digestive tract are often impaired. Thomas Frieling, Director of the Medical Clinic II at the Helios-Klinikum Krefeld demands: „Through various functional examinations, physicians should look specifically for old people consistently for causes of symptoms to prevent malnutrition and thus a deterioration in the general condition.“

Swallowing is agony for older people
Like the human body in general, so does the gastrointestinal tract. „Especially the fine network of nerve cells, which control the mobility of the esophagus, stomach and intestine, is prone to age changes“so Frieling. Because of the limited functioning of the stomach, it could absorb less food and the emptying would be delayed. Older people are therefore more quickly fed and suffer more often from heartburn, which in turn damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus. To make matters worse, many diseases in the elderly would attack the intestine. Swallowing can be a nuisance for the elderly not only because of the aging of the esophagus, but also by reduced salivation, bad teeth or mucosal inflammation, says Frieling. In addition, swallowing disorders also occur in neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease or after a stroke.

Medication can cause additional problems
Another problem was medications, such as gastric acid blockers, because these sometimes interfere with the digestive functions. „The stomach acid promotes digestion and kills germs“, explains Frieling. If stomach acid is reduced by the drug, it could lead to a malformation of the small intestine with flatulence, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. According to the DGVS, physicians have various diagnostic methods available for functional examinations. The professional society emphasizes that gastroscopy, ultrasound examinations and breath tests can be carried out without difficulty even in very elderly patients. (Ad)

Picture: Uwe Steinbrich