Bad history It started with harmless toothache - Young family man dies of dental infection

Bad history It started with harmless toothache - Young family man dies of dental infection / Health News
Young man dies only a few days after a tooth infection
In the US, a young man died because his dental infection was not treated adequately. Although a dentist cleaned the inflamed wound and prescribed antibiotics to the patient, they were not effective enough. Therefore, the infection spread to the lungs.

Everything started with a toothache
Health experts keep pointing out the importance of taking a toothache seriously. For example, if the pain is caused by inflammation of the gums and remains untreated, the germs can enter the bloodstream via the inflammatory foci, thereby favoring, among other things, arteriosclerosis. The dangers of inflammation can even reach the heart. Or to the lungs, like a young American.

A young man in the US died because his dental infection was not treated properly. The infection had spread to his lungs. (Image: K.-U. Häßler /

Antibiotics did not seem good enough
According to media reports, 26-year-old Vadim Anatoliyevich Kondratyuk from Sacramento, California, was on his way to New York with his truck when he suddenly had severe toothache.

The truck driver therefore went to a dentist in Oklahoma, who cleaned the inflamed wound in the mouth and prescribed antibiotics to the patient, reports "CBS News".

When he arrived at his destination, the pain came back and his mouth swelled. That's why his brother decided to drive him home. However, the condition of Kondratyuk deteriorated so much that they visited a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Infection spread to the lungs
There, the doctors found that the infection had become stronger and spread throughout the body. According to the information, the lung was also affected, the lungs filled with fluid. The patient finally could not breathe on his own.

A few days later, the young father died, leaving two small children behind. "They gave him medication, they tried everything they could," his wife Nataliya Kondratyuk said, according to a report in the Sacramento Bee newspaper..

"We prayed for him that day and at night, hoping that he would survive. But God had his plan, and we had a conversation with the doctors who told us how it all happened ... It just did not heal as it should. It only got worse. "

Regularly brush your teeth
Such infections can cause painful inflammation at the root of the tooth and spread to the head and neck. John Luther from Western Dental Insurance told the newspaper. In rare cases, the infection spreads to the bloodstream. Organ systems can be damaged and eventually lead to death.

The physician pointed out that tooth decay can be avoided by regular brushing and flossing. This is especially important after eating sugary foods.

In case of throbbing toothache sufferers should definitely visit a dentist. Especially if the symptoms are fever or difficulty breathing. (Ad)