Bad burns child mistakenly scalded with water from the garden hose lethal

Bad burns child mistakenly scalded with water from the garden hose lethal / Health News
Bad misfortune: mother scalds her baby with the garden hose
In the US, a woman accidentally inflicted serious injuries on her child. The mother wanted to cool her baby on a hot day with the garden hose. But the water inside was so hot that the baby suffered second-degree burns.

Tragic misfortune when cooling down
At high heat, many people take a dip in the pool or lake to cool off. Even in the bathroom you can refresh, with experts advise against freezing showers on hot days. Also, a young mother from the US state of Arizona wanted to provide on a day with very high temperatures for cooling for her son. There was a tragic accident: The woman scalded her nine-month-old baby with a garden hose.

In the US, a mother accidentally inflicted severe burns on her nine-month-old baby. She splashed hot water from a garden hose on him. Meanwhile, the little one is better, his whole body pales. (Image: adam88xx /

Nine months old baby scalded with hot water
As American media reports, Dominique Woodger from the State of Arizona played with her nine-month-old baby Nicholas at over 40 degrees in the garden. In order to provide more cooling, she put her son in a kiddie pool and splashed water in with a garden hose. But suddenly the little boy started screaming and crying heartbreakingly, his skin througing little whites all over his body. "At first, I thought that Nicholas was crying because he had water on his face," Woodger told TV broadcaster ABC15.

Second degree burns
That this was not the case, the mother noticed quickly, as the skin of the little one became redder and redder. The water, which was still in the garden hose, had apparently been heated by the extreme temperatures to over 65 degrees. According to police captain Larry Subervi, little Nicholas suffered second-degree burns, scalding more than 30 percent of his small body. Fortunately, there are now better and better treatment options for victims of burns. His mother turned to the public after the dramatic accident: "Please be careful! Test the water temperature before you splash your kids! "According to the doctors, the little Nicholas is back to health. "At the moment he pales all over his body," his mother reported. (Ad)