Stroke 250000 people die each year

Stroke 250000 people die each year / Health News

250,000 people die each year from a stroke

According to surveys by the Federal Statistical Office, around 250,000 people in Germany die each year from a stroke (stroke). Since 2000 every year „World Stroke Day“ of the „World Stroke“ Organization organizes. The aim is to inform people about the emergency stroke comprehensively. Because in the acute case, every minute decides whether a patient survives.

About one quarter of a million people die each year as a result of a stroke. Significant symptoms include: acute vision disorder, poor understanding, word finding disorders, paralysis or weakness of the face, arm, leg, or whole body, numbness, dizziness, insecurity in the gait, and severe headache. Although a stroke is a medical emergency, the emergency number 112 is dialed in only about half of all cases. Every single minute counts for a stroke, as the German Foundation called "Schlananfall-Hilfe" on the occasion of the Weltschlaganfall-Day on October 29th.

If stroke symptoms appear, an emergency doctor should be contacted immediately
If one or more stroke symptoms are suddenly noticeable, sufferers or relatives should immediately dial 112. „By acting faster, many lives could be saved“, reports Liz Mohn, chairwoman of the foundation. Until the ambulance arrives, the patient should be stored with his upper body elevated. Relatives should also repeatedly check the consciousness of the person concerned. Important: Since the brain may no longer be able to coordinate the swallowing process, no water or food should be served.

World stroke day on 29 October
About 40 percent of all patients die within the first year after the attack. 64 percent of patients usually remain a nursing case forever. In a stroke, there is a sudden lack of nerve cells in oxygen and other substrates. The world stroke day is for ten years (since 2000) of the „World Stroke Organization“ organized. This year's motto is "1 out of 6" because every six seconds a person worldwide dies of a stroke. In addition to cardiovascular diseases, stroke is the most common cause of death in Germany. Numerous reconnaissance actions will be taking place all over Germany this coming Friday. (sb, 25.10.2010)

Also read:
Diagnosis of strokes: Every minute counts
Stroke: Sing Activates Language Center
Prevent strokes and go for a walk

Picture: Martin Büdenbender