Sleepwalking can be a danger to those affected and relatives

Sleepwalking can be a danger to those affected and relatives / Health News

Experts clarify about somnambulism

Sleepwalking is referred to medically as somnambulism. These are repetitive episodes of complex behaviors that occur during sleep. Occasionally, people leave their beds and start doing everyday activities such as going to the toilet, cleaning up, cooking, playing an instrument - they also report on attempts to drive a car. The sleepers seem to be mentally not quite in the thing. For example, sometimes the front door key can land in the freezer or the morning toilet in the wardrobe can be done.

For families, the actions of sleepwalkers often seem bizarre and difficult to understand. At first, they do not even know that it is sleepwalking, because the eyes of those affected are open and they also perceive the environment. Such a phase passes quickly in most cases. After a few minutes, those affected stop and either return to normal sleep behavior or wake up completely. The next morning, sleepwalkers usually can not remember their nightly pursuits.

The exact causes of sleepwalking are still unclear. So far, it has been known that it is a waking up that takes place in the transition from deep to lighter sleep phases. (Image: milkovasa /

How many people are affected by somnambulism?

Especially in children, sleepwalking is widespread. According to the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (DGSM), 15 to 30 percent of all children have at least one episode of sleepwalking. At three to four percent this happens regularly. About one percent keeps sleepwalking until adulthood. A first appearance in adulthood is unusual, according to DGSM.

Why do some people walk around in their sleep??

The actual reasons are still only partially understood. Earlier, the attraction of the moon was blamed for this phenomenon, so somnambulism is still known today under the name moon monster. Once this assumption was considered outdated, the prevailing view was that sleepwalking individuals live out their dreams through real actions. This opinion could also be refuted in modern sleep laboratories. There, it was found that sleepwalking does not occur during the REM sleep phase, during which intense dreaming takes place. Instead, this happens in deep sleep or in normal sleep.

Sleepwalking is actually a wake-up disorder

Today it is believed that somnambulism occurs when the brain does not fully awaken after a wake-up stimulus. These wake up stimuli can come from inside (e.g., urinary urgency) as well as from the outside (e.g., loud noise, light). The sleep laboratories showed that before sleepwalking, the typical pattern of a deep sleep phase is replaced by a lighter sleep phase. Sleep doctor Dr. med. Inka Tuin measures these brain waves in sleep sleepers in the sleep clinic of the University Hospital Mainz. "We know that sleepwalking begins on the threshold of deep sleep to light sleep," Tuin told the "Allgemeine Zeitung". Therefore, it is considered a wake-up disorder.

Caught between sleep and reality

Sleep researchers assume that sleepwalkers during an acute phase are unable to completely awaken and remain trapped in this intermediate state. According to the DGSM, the causes of this incomplete waking up are not sufficiently clear. However, genetic factors probably play an important role, because 80 percent of sleepwalkers have another person who sleepwalks in the family.

Not all sleepwalkers are prone to sprawling activities

"A simple variant of sleepwalking would be to sit up in bed and talk," explains Tuin. Many sufferers do not go beyond that. In low activity, sleepwalking is not bad in and of itself, according to the expert.

Dangerous variant of walking

However, Tuin warns that in some cases it can become a dangerous sleep disorder. For example, one of her patients would have fractured several bones as he fell asleep out of the second-floor window. Another of Tuin's patients cut himself as he passed through a glass door.

When should safety precautions be taken??

According to Tuin, security measures should be taken when someone sleepwalks very actively. You should not be able to easily open windows, remove dangerous objects near the bed and, if necessary, close the doors. "Sleepwalkers that endanger themselves or others should be treated," advises the expert.

How can sleepwalking be triggered??

In addition to the already mentioned genetic component Tuin reports of so-called "triggers", so triggers that favor such a phase. These include lack of sleep, alcoholic beverages, certain antidepressants and great professional or private stress. Sufficient sleep and low alcohol levels would be the first prevention measures. In some cases, sleep apnea triggers nocturnal restlessness, according to Tuin. If these respiratory mishaps are successfully treated while sleeping, the nocturnal activity will soon be gone.

REM sleep behavior disorder

A particular form of nocturnal activity is often mistaken for sleepwalking. It is the so-called REM sleep behavior disorder: this occurs according to Tuin often in neurological conditions such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or in severe psychiatric disorders. Those affected live their dreams through physical activity during sleep. This can also lead to aggressive behavior such as kicking or hitting while sleeping. The difference can easily be recognized by the eyes, according to Tuin. These are closed in REM sleep behavior disorders. In addition, they often occur in the early morning hours.

How to deal with sleepwalking

Is it really okay to wake sleepwalkers? "Surely everyone has heard that sleepwalkers should not be rudely awakened," says Tuin. This is completely correct, because that only leads to great confusion. It is not necessary, since most of them find their own way to bed anyway. In some cases, the use of certain, low-dose, antidepressants may help to stop sleepwalking, Tuin said. (Vb)