Sleep study One in four Germans does not sleep well enough

Sleep study One in four Germans does not sleep well enough / Health News

One third of Germans do not sleep well, one quarter too little

Lack of sleep endangers the health: Who does not come to rest at night, has an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, obesity or diabetes. As one recent study shows, one in four Germans sleeps too little. And about one third of Germans do not sleep well.

Health hazard due to lack of sleep

Those who sleep too little endanger their health. For example, scientific research has shown that sleep deprivation is often the cause of diabetes and heart attacks. It also increases the risk of stroke. In addition, according to researchers, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to increased waist circumference and increased body mass index (BMI) and mental health problems. But about every fourth German does not sleep enough. This is clear from the sleep study 2017 of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).

According to a recent study, about one third of Germans do not sleep well. A quarter of Germans do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep endangers the health. (Image: natara /

Every third person does not sleep well

"All in all, we are a well-rested people: Two out of three adults in the present study stated that they sleep well or very well. We are worried that it is not the case with any third party, "writes Dr. Jens Baas CEO of TK in the preface to the study "Sleep well, Germany".

Every third person sleeps afterwards only mediocre, bad or very bad.

In addition, the study shows that a quarter of adults (24 percent) in this country does not come to the six hours of sleep recommended by health experts.

Man has to recover

As the health insurance company reports in a communication, the proportion of bad sleepers among working people with irregular working hours or shift work is above average.

Of these so-called flex workers, as many as 40 percent of respondents complain about poor sleep quality; half sleep for a maximum of five hours.

"If you do not sleep enough, you get sick. The risk of cardiovascular and stomach discomfort, depression and obesity is higher if regular and deep sleep is not enough. The risk of accidents and mistakes in the job is increasing, "said Baas.

Man has to recover to be creative and capable. "In sleep, the brain sorts its cache. That's why the system has to shut down, which is not possible in ongoing mental operations, "said the TK boss.

"Especially in a knowledge society like ours, restful sleep is not only physiologically but also socially important. That's why we should optimize our sleep behavior, not rationalize it. "

According to the study, the proportion of Flex employees in Germany is now 30 percent. And the demand increases with consumers' desire to be able to do everything around the clock.

Inner clock can not be adjusted

The inner clock of the human being is ticking in the day-night rhythm, so it is programmed for activity during the day and for rest during the night. It can not be adjusted to any social inclination for self-optimization.

For example, 42 percent of shiftworkers in the TC sleep study say they have transition and sleep problems when their shift schedule changes. Investigations show that employees are subjected differently to the same job at different times.

And: "Many employees at night drive the thought carousel around. Nearly 40 percent see job stress as the main reason they can not sleep. Other reasons are mainly private problems with 28 percent and health complaints with 22 percent, "said Peter Wendt, market researcher at TK.

Good to come through the night

Those affected can do a lot to help them get through the night. Habits and circumstances that promote healthy sleep are referred to by experts as sleep hygiene.

"We can not or can hardly influence many things, such as street noise or partner snoring. But the study also shows that you can achieve a lot with small lifestyle changes, "said Dr. Utz Niklas Walter, sleep expert at the Institute for Workplace Health Counseling.

41 percent complain about room temperature, 23 percent consume heavy meals and 15 percent caffeinated drinks before going to bed.

For seven percent of adults, the smartphone is on the bedside table or under the pillow. Particularly high is the proportion of under 30-year-olds: Here, the cell phone disturbs every fifth sleep.

Tips for a better sleep

Health experts generally advise against access to medicines for sleeping problems. Better to try it first with some tips for proper sleep.

A healthy lifestyle and the absence of late food, coffee, nicotine, alcohol and intensive sports in the evening are beneficial for a restful sleep.

It is also helpful to observe regular sleep times and to reduce your weight if you are overweight. Also useful are various home remedies for sleep disorders.

A calming tea made of passionflower or chamomile, for example, has proven to be effective in relieving tension. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also be effective. (Ad)