Sleep disorders can trigger hyperactivity

Sleep disorders can trigger hyperactivity / Health News

Sleep disorders can trigger hyperactivity


If children can not concentrate properly, do not sit still for a moment and fidget a lot, then today the diagnosis is more and more frequent „Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder“, short ADHD. Other aspects, such as diet or sleep, are often misunderstood. In a quarter of the supposed small ADHD patients, sleep disorders could be the cause, as the specialist in paediatrics Prof. Dr. med. Alfred Wiater explained.

The Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital of the Porz am Rhein Hospital in Cologne and Specialist Pediatrics, Dr. med. Alfred Wiater estimates the number of false ADHD diagnoses to be around 25 percent. Rather, the supposedly hyperactive children could suffer from sleep disorders, as the doctor told the news agency „dpa“ explained. Because children react to sleep disorders differently than adults. „While adults are tired during sleep during the day, children are very active motor.“ Before premature ADHD diagnoses are made, clarifications should take place with an orthodontist and / or ENT doctor. Because children with oversized throat or palatine tonsils (polyps) or jaw problems, such as an overbite, have many problems breathing in and sleeping. The result: The little ones snore during the night and wake up again and again. Snoring is also a serious problem in children, because „Parents should not dismiss the snoring of their offspring, according to the motto: Dad is snoring too“, the expert warned during the 19th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine in Mannheim. The earlier a treatment is initiated, the better the well-being of the child.

Many parents do not recognize children's sleep disorders
The chief physician bases his statements on a scientific study by the University of Cologne. The researchers had observed around 13,000 parents and their children for four years. About one-third of parents did not notice their child's sleep disturbances. But not only parents, but also physicians would have to be made more aware of thematically. If the sleep disturbances can not be treated in time, this can have serious consequences. „If not treated on time, the consequences can be irreversible. Studies show that sleep disorders often lead to poorer performance at school.“

Fixed sleep rituals make bedtime easier
Of course, not only physical but also mental background problems come into question for children's sleep disorders. Some children sleepwalk at night or suffer from recurrent nightmares. Wiater estimates that about 40 percent of primary school children suffer from sleep problems. In many cases, parents could prevent a lack of sleep hygiene through clear structures. „Children should go to bed at the same time as possible“, advises pedagogue Gritli Bertram in a conversation with „“. Bedtime should be best connected with enjoyable rituals. „Having a good bedtime story or a body trip makes it easy for most children to fall asleep“. Parents should take their time if possible to end the day positively with their children. Watch TV, PC or video games should be taboo before going to sleep, advises Wiater. From a medical point of view is a „Firm sleep-wake-up routine extremely important, as well as rest at bedtime.“

The nineteenth annual conference of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine will take place until Saturday. At the congress, around 1,800 researchers and physicians will discuss and discuss the latest scientific findings in sleep disorders and sleep disorders. (Sb)

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Image: Rainer Sturm /