Sleep Aid Seeker discovered?

Sleep Aid Seeker discovered? / Health News

Sleep Aid: Addictive Disaster discovered?

In sleep and sedatives with the substance benzodiazepine has long been controversial how and whether they can cause dependence. Swiss researchers used mice to decipher the mode of action in the brain and possible consequences.

In sleep and sedatives with the substance benzodiazepine has long been controversial how and whether they can cause dependence. Swiss researchers used mice to decipher the mode of action in the brain and possible consequences.Scientists from research institutes in Geneva, Zurich and Massachusetts (USA) published their findings in the journal "Nature" (Issue 463; 769-774) under the title "Neural bases for additive properties of benzodiazepines".

They found that benzodiazepines enhance the action of an inhibitory neurotransmitter. The benzodiazepines become attached to the so-called GABAA receptors. These are inhibitory receptors that are abundant in the brain and spinal cord. They make up about 30 percent of the receptors.

Especially in the area of ​​the midbrain and the so-called „ventral tegmentum (VTA)“ According to the scientists, the funds are active. They inhibit the activity of nerve cells that inhibit our internal reward system. With a lack of suppression of our reward system, they are similar to heroin, cocaine and other drugs.

But the GABAA receptors are again divided into subunits. If the agent named one of them „alpha1„ acts, then the effect described above begins. At another sub-receptor called „alpha 2“, sets an anxiolytic effect. This means that anxiolytic and addictive effects may not necessarily occur together.

Through this differentiation, further studies will now show whether it is possible to develop agents that are harmless to humans and that specifically affect only one type of receptor. On the one hand, this would mean that the benzodiazepine-containing agents, which relax the muscles, generally have a soothing, antispasmodic, and sleep-inducing effect, that they could have a more specific effect.

This is important because benzodiazepines have one of the highest rates of abuse worldwide. They are usually prescribed for anxiety or massive sleep disorders. On the other hand, in further studies „alpha 1“- Receptors a drug influence on addictions are investigated.

The German National Center for Addiction Dangers estimates that about one and a half million people in Germany suffer from drug addiction (Jahrbuch Sucht 2004). So there could be an economic incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to work on specifying the funds. Moreover, in addition to the biochemical view, the psychosocial aspects of addiction should not be neglected. Also in natural medicine there are agents that have similar effects: The found in the root of valerian plant Valerensäure should also have an effect on the GABAA receptors and sleep promoting effect.

St. John's wort is intended to enhance mood and promote sleep. It is even in a indication "moderate depression" since April 1, 2009 in Germany requires a prescription. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 15.02.2010)

Additional information:
Abstract of the study
Valerian & L-tryptophan: approaches to sleep disorder