Mold Dispose of whole portions of berries

Mold Dispose of whole portions of berries / Health News

Mildew - Dispose of whole portions of berries if you notice signs


Freshly bought and already moldy tomorrow. While noble cultures of cheese are harmless, unwanted mold on fruit can harm your health. Some molds form toxic metabolic products - so-called mycotoxins. In the long term, they can damage the liver or kidneys - but only if those affected are permanently exposed to these substances. In addition, the toxins increase the risk of certain cancers. „Mycotoxins can not be eliminated by cooking or freezing“, says Antje Gahl, nutritionist at the German Nutrition Society (DGE). Buyers should therefore ensure during transport that they carefully store the fruit in the shopping bag.

Crushed fruit can generally rot quickly and become moldy in the heat. Once mold is seen on individual berries, consumers should not eat the whole portion, as harmful spores sit on all fruits. This is pointed out by the initiative "Too Good for the Ton!" By the Federal Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

So that not too many berries end up in the garbage, they should be transported as the highest on the purchased goods. At home you should immediately pour it into a shallow dish and store it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. But they do not last longer than two to three days. It is best to eat it on the day of shopping. (Fr)
