Skull deformities in newborn babies fears of the Zika virus

Skull deformities in newborn babies fears of the Zika virus / Health News
Health emergency proclaimed: pregnant women in Brazil endangered by virus
In Brazil, the health emergency was proclaimed. In the South American country, there is a significant accumulation of neonatal cranial deformities. The causative agent is suspected of a virus that is transmitted via mosquito bites to pregnant women.
Accumulation of cranial malformations
In Brazil, the health emergency has now been proclaimed. In the Latin American country, there is a significant accumulation of neonatal cranial deformities. The cause may be an infection with the Zika virus, which is transmitted via mosquito bites to pregnant women, reports the news agency dpa. Symptoms similar to those of dengue and chikungunya fever are mild fever, headache, joint pain and rash. Similar to malaria, they usually do not appear until about twelve days after a mosquito bite. Although severe events are rare according to health experts, but the long-term consequences could be fatal, as now reported.

Unrest due to dangerous virus. Picture: nobeastsofierce - fotolia

Virus probably brought in by World Cup
The pathogen, which was first detected in Uganda, occurred until a few years ago in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. In summer, however, it was reported that the Zika virus had probably been introduced to Brazil by the World Cup. Since then it appears frequently in South and Central America. It has now been announced that it is suspected that malformations of the unborn child may occur when pregnant women are infected with the Zika virus through a mosquito bite.

According to the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro, the virus was recently detected in two Brazilian women in the Brazilian state of Paraíba, whose fetuses showed microcephaly after ultrasonography: they have skulls that are much too small, which usually results in mental retardation. So far, for example, alcohol in pregnancy or certain infections are considered causes of the malformation.

Health emergency in Brazil
Brazil has now called the health emergency. The health authorities are instructed to take special preventive, documentation and educational measures. To date, 399 cases of microcephaly have been reported this year, most notably in the northeast of the country, 268 of them in the state of Pernambuco with the capital Recife. The Health Ministry of the fifth largest country in the world warned against premature conclusions despite the precautionary measure: "The current data do not yet allow a clear conclusion that there is a relationship between the Zika infection and microcephaly. "The Zika virus is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, also known as the Egyptian tiger mosquito. The pathogen played so far almost only in Africa and Asia a role. Cases are also reported from Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Especially pregnant women should pay attention to mosquito repellent
The Center for Travel Medicine (CRM) in Düsseldorf emphasized that travelers - especially pregnant women - should pay attention to very careful mosquito repellent. "Characteristic of an infection with Zika viruses is the occurrence of a gnarled patchy skin rash, accompanied by fever, head and joint pain and conjunctivitis," said Tomas Jeline of CRM. Recommended is light, closed clothes and mosquito repellent.

Especially for tropical areas is often advised to funds with the active ingredient DEET in a concentration from 30 percent. In addition, mosquito nets should be used at night. Although the Zika virus is not life-threatening, the World Health Organization (WHO) is alarmed. The organization called on the states of the region to increase their protection against the virus and to inform the population fully about the dangers. The current uncertainty about the relationship with the too small skulls in newborns but also shows that the virus has been little explored. (Ad)