Hot herb Healthy rocket for healthy food

Hot herb Healthy rocket for healthy food / Health News
Arugula gives many dishes a pleasant spice
Rucola, also called Rauke, is one of the most popular salads in this country. Its slightly spicy taste reminiscent of cress and walnuts makes it the ideal condiment for salads, soups, spreads and many other dishes. Rocket leaves contain mustard oils (glucosinolates), which are among the phytochemicals and have, inter alia, an antioxidant and healing properties.
Rocket is healthy and low in calories
Rucola is considered to be low in calories at just 24 kilocalories per 100 grams and is therefore also suitable as a dietary supplement. In addition, the salad plant is very healthy. The same amount contains 370 milligrams of potassium, 1.5 milligrams of iron and plenty of beta-carotene and folic acid. Due to its very high content of iodine, people with thyroid problems are advised to eat a lot of rocket.

Since the lettuce plant stores nitrate, the leaf styles should be removed generously before consumption because they contain the most nitrates. The best tastes are the small, dark green leaves. Larger leaves sometimes have a bitter taste and can be slightly tough. Rocket lasts two to three days, if wrapped in a damp paper towel and kept in the fridge.

In addition to the classic way of cooking in salads, the Rucola leaves are an excellent complement to beef carpaccio or pizza with grated Parmesan cheese. Also pasta, risotto, soups, spreads, ragouts and pesto can be refined with rocket. (Ag)

: media manager / markus conductor