Sour fruit better in pregnancy

Sour fruit better in pregnancy / Health News

Sour fruit is healthy during pregnancy


In pregnancy, it is important that women pay attention to a healthy and nutritious diet. Finally, the fetus must be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals. Many women have problems with their weight during this time. Therefore Christian Albring, president of the professional association of gynecologists, advises women to eat more acid instead of sweet fruit. „Grapes, for example, contain almost only water and sugar“, he replies. It is not surprising that many women gain a lot of weight during this time. On average, women in Germany gain 12 to 16 kilograms during pregnancy. This can sometimes lead to back pain.

In addition, sour fruit usually contains more vitamin C. The fruit should of course always be fresh, well washed or peeled. Fruit salads made from fresh fruit donate many important vitamins and minerals. The antioxidant ingredients increase the well-being of the expectant mother and support the healthy development of the baby. Sour fruit is, for example, berry fruit, pome fruit, stone fruit, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple and melons. (Fr)

Picture: Olga Meier-Sander