Sarcoidosis Relief from radon treatment series

Sarcoidosis Relief from radon treatment series / Health News
Frightening shortness of breath, severe joint pain and skin lesions are major symptoms of sarcoidosis. In this inflammatory disease, microscopic tissue nodules, called granulomas, form. They can arise as well as anywhere in the body.

Especially often the lungs are affected. But eyes, liver, spleen, heart and skin are often affected. Patients often suffer from increased temperature, general malaise and fatigue, as well as painfully inflamed skin nodules, joint inflammation and lymph node swelling. In chronic sarcoidosis, also known as Boeck's disease, however, is a general limitation of lung function with constant dry cough and general fatigue in the foreground. Climatic therapy in natural caves or former mines, especially in combination with radon and heat, acts as a holiday for stressed bronchi in those affected. Because, as in the high mountains and the sea, the atmosphere is dust and low pollen.

Radon heat therapy in former mine tunnels combines not only an anti-allergic air but also other climatic factors that have a positive effect on the symptoms of sarcoidosis. In addition to tropical temperature and high humidity, the noble gas radon acts primarily. The natural remedy Radon stimulates sarcoidosis self-healing powers of the body. The balance of certain cytokines, proteins that regulate the growth and differentiation of cells, is shifted positively. This stabilizes the immune system.

"Radon heat therapy thus has a lasting effect on the three main complaint areas - the lung, the musculoskeletal system and the skin -" explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, specialist in internal medicine and scientific director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. "In particular, if pain on the one hand and disturbance of the immune system on the other hand are the focus of sarcoidosis symptoms, the sarcoidosis therapy is indicated and its effect also scientifically proven." The prevailing in Radonthermalstollen climate is interesting for sarcoidosis patients by another effect: high humidity and temperatures About 37.5 degrees lead to the so-called hyperthermia effect, which triggers a kind of desired therapeutic fever in the body. This experts say an anticonvulsant effect. The particularly clean breathing air typical of studs additionally contributes to the respiratory recovery. "The chronic inflammatory processes are inhibited by sarcoidosis therapy in radon tunnels. A reduction in the consumption of medicines is proven for analgesics and can be expected to last up to one year and to be realistically realistic for cortisone, "explains Dr. med. Hölzl the chances of success of a radon heat cure.

Recommended is the stollen therapy with radon and heat in the course of a multi-week course. Patients then drive several times into a thermal tunnel 600 meters deep into the mountain and spend about an hour on the therapy stations. Cures with Radonbehandlungsserien are recognized by health insurance companies, the extent of the cost must be approved by the health insurance. Otherwise, for example, an application in Gasteiner Heilstollen costs about 60 euros. (Pm)