Gentle ADHD therapy Running and sunlight relieve the symptoms

Gentle ADHD therapy Running and sunlight relieve the symptoms / Health News
Therapy for ADHD: The effect of running and sunlight is being investigated
More and more people in Germany receive the diagnosis "ADHD". The causes and background of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are still not fully understood. This often makes it difficult for experts to give clear treatment recommendations. A new research project will investigate whether a therapy with walking and sunlight can improve the situation of those affected.

New therapy for ADHD
A study last year showed that more and more children in Germany are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, adults also have ADHD. The exact causes of ADHD are not fully understood yet. Patients are often advised to take therapeutic measures such as behavioral therapy. A treatment with medicines would be in question only if non-drug measures are not sufficient. Researchers now want to investigate a new form of therapy.

More and more people in Germany are diagnosed with ADHD. A research project will now investigate whether therapy with exercise and sunlight can improve the situation of those affected. (Image: ARochau /

Reduce secondary diseases and prevent them
As reported by the University Hospital Frankfurt in a communication, so far only the typical symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with drugs can be improved.

However, many sufferers suffer from complications of ADHD such as depression and obesity.

A new EU-wide study led by the Frankfurt University Hospital is now investigating whether exercise programs and light therapy in adolescents and young adults can reduce and at best prevent complications.

Movement and light
According to the researchers, about five percent of children are affected by ADHD and in many cases they remain in adulthood.

The disease is often the beginning of a potentially preventable negative overall development: other mental disorders such as depression and obesity can follow and cause significant suffering.

As the communication states, depression research on adult patients has already shown that exercise programs and light therapy can reduce depression and obesity.

For example, a study from Canada showed that light therapy helps with non-seasonal depression. And experts, such as at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) have long been on exercise programs and sports against depression.

Together with colleagues from Spain, England and the Netherlands, the Frankfurt scientists now want to find out whether adolescents and young adults with ADHD can also benefit from such therapies. These treatments are completely without medication.

New program for the home
As the scientists report, a novel program is used for the study, with which the participants can carry out the measures independently at home.

Patients receive a smartphone for this and are supported by a specially developed app for the ten-week therapies

In addition, they carry a sensor that collects information about the physical activity and the duration of exposure to light.

The researchers hope that the study will provide answers to a variety of questions: Can young people and young adults be motivated to carry out the therapies in this way? And how well can depression and obesity be reduced or even prevented at best??

Subjects are still being sought for the study: people with ADHD as well as healthy people between the ages of 14 and 30 years. (Ad)