Experts offer advice on care issues

Experts offer advice on care issues / Health News

Nursing experts advise on the topic of care


When people are in need of care, those affected and their relatives often have numerous questions, ranging from financing to the quality of care. Here a consultation by so-called care experts offers the necessary support. But not all care experts are equally qualified, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing the Federal Association of Consumer Advocates. So far, it is not uniformly regulated who may call themselves as care experts.

The experts should advise on nursing matters, with advice on the legal framework being possible. Among other things, they are helpful in applying for the care level, but can also provide information about the required care. Most nursing experts are health and nurses who have undergone an appropriate additional qualification, reports the „dpa“. Since there is no uniform regulation on the required qualifications, persons in need of care and relatives should inform themselves in advance about the respective experts, advises the Federal Association of Consumer Advice.

Help with applying for the care levels
For example, the qualifications of the experts should be sought in order to give a first impression, according to the Communication from the „dpa“ citing the Federal Association of Consumer Advocates. Furthermore, many good care professionals are registered with the professional association. The Federal Association of Independent Nursing Consultants and Nursing Consultants eV (BVPP) also offers guidance on its website. Here, the BVPP also emphasizes that „Determining the need for long-term care and the assignment to care levels in accordance with SGB XI is an important criterion of expert activity.“ Because the correct assignment of the care level is „the prerequisite for securing the legally guaranteed entitlement to benefits“ and „An incorrect or incorrect classification prevents insured persons and care providers from taking out long-term care benefits that are legally entitled.“

Independent advice crucial
It is also crucial that an independent expert service is provided, reports the BVPP. Therefore, care experts should not cooperate with a health insurance or care facility for business, as well as the reference of the Federal Association of Consumer Advice. The news agency reports on the costs of care experts „dpa“, that they usually charge between 40 and 100 euros per hour for their services. It is advisable to request an exact breakdown of the calculated services here. (Fp)

Picture: Gerd Altmann