Doctors talk too little to mothers

Doctors talk too little to mothers / Health News

Communication deficits after birth - Midwives and doctors do not talk much to mothers


The communication of physicians and midwives with mothers after a birth shows the results of a survey published yesterday by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Barmer GEK according to considerable deficits. Although the surveyed mothers were quite satisfied with the overall care, many criticized that the midwives and doctors had not talked enough with them after the birth. This also applied to more serious medical interventions, such as a caesarian section.

More than 1,500 women who had a child in 2011 were interviewed by the Bertelsmann Stiftung Health Monitor 2012 and the Barmer GEK. Almost a third of the births took place by caesarian section. Many of the interviewed women criticized the lack of exchange with doctors and midwives after birth. „For example, more than a quarter of women with caesarean section confirm that no one talked to them after birth“, reports the Barmer GEK.

No opportunity to talk to midwives and doctors after birth
The satisfaction of mothers with the care during pregnancy, before birth and in the puerperium is overall pleasing high. Here the mothers awarded on a scale of one to ten very good values ​​between eight and nine points. In particular, the care by the midwives during the birth had been greatly appreciated, according to the announcement of Barmer GEK. However, the satisfaction of mothers with postpartum care was less positive. Many complained of deficits in communication. One third of the women interviewed had a natural birth „In hindsight, no opportunity to talk“ with the doctor or the midwife, reports Barmer GEK.

Communication after cesarean delivery is particularly important
Also in the cesarean delivery, more than 25 percent of women confirmed that after birth no one spoke to them. It should „a sufficiently long discussion before the birth and a joint follow-up at least after a cesarean section“ According to Petra Kolip from the University of Bielefeld, co-author of the study, actually „belong to the standard of obstetrics practice.“ For medical interventions during childbirth and the caesarean section are „massive interventions that doctors and midwives must not leave their mothers alone.“

Improvements in communication required
If there was a conversation between mothers and midwives or doctors after the birth, the results of the latest survey were usually extremely close. Only seven percent of mothers could talk to midwives for more than thirty minutes after birth. Only two percent of the interviewed women talked to the doctors for more than half an hour. Improvements are urgently needed here, as mothers often have a considerable need for communication, especially after more difficult births. The doctors and midwives should take the necessary time, which, however, often seems to be difficult in the stressful clinical routine even under cost aspects. (Fp)

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Image: Just a moment