Doctors should disclose patients in the future complete medical records

Doctors should disclose patients in the future complete medical records / Health News
Full medical record insight for patients
If there are no therapeutic reasons against it, patients should be given access to their complete medical record on request. This has been decided by the German Medical Conference. According to patient advocates, however, the situation is regulated by German law anyway.

Full file inspection for patients
In Germany, doctors want to give their patients access to their complete medical record on request. As the news agency dpa reports, the German Medical Association in Frankfurt am Main decided according to the Federal Medical Association a corresponding change in the professional code. According to the prescription, physicians have been able to deprive their patients of those parts of the file in which they have noted their subjective impressions or perceptions. According to the information sets the German Medical Association with the amendment to the 2013 amended Paragraph 630g of the Civil Code (BGB).

Insight may be denied
Among other things, according to a message from the AFP news agency, it requires patients to be given immediate access to their complete patient record if they so request, unless "significant therapeutic grounds or other significant third-party rights" militate against it. In addition, the medical profession's "substantial rights" were included as a reason for refusal. The topic of access to medical records has been the topic of intense debate in recent months. The reason was the crash of the German Wings machine in the French Alps, which was apparently caused by the mentally ill copilot. At that time it was reported, among other things, what employers from the medical record may know everything.

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German law already regulates the situation
The board of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, spoke of a bizarre decision, which was now taken. He explained that German law regulates the situation anyway and that "this reprieve by the medical profession" is not required. "That's as if the taxi drivers decide to drive on the right side of the road in the future - although a legal driving license already exists in Germany," says Brysch. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, who has headed the committee since 2011, was re-elected President of the German Medical Association. (Ad)