Doctors beat a patient with a cancer alert because of old tattoos

Doctors beat a patient with a cancer alert because of old tattoos / Health News
Cancer shock due to tattoo
Shock for a young woman from Australia: After the 30-year-old discovered swollen lymph nodes under her arms, the doctors were diagnosed with cancer. This was obvious, as the lymph node swelling had been present for some time and could not be attributed to inflammation or infection. But a detailed examination of a knot revealed something astonishing: for it was not cancer cells, but the pigments of an old tattoo, which were responsible for the development of the tumor. The unusual case has now been published in the journal "Annals of Internal Medicine".

Tattoo trend is unbroken

Tattoos still a mass trend. Nearly one in ten in Germany, according to the Stiftung Warentest a tattoo, in the under 16 to 29-year-olds even almost one in four. That the ornaments of the body can have a bad aftermath, has now experienced a woman from Australia. The 30-year-old had discovered small bumps under her arms, but otherwise felt completely healthy. After further investigation, however, everything pointed to a malignant tumor - a shock to the young patient. But in the end everything turned out differently, because it turned out that a 15-year-old tattoo was responsible for the thickening under the armpits.

An old tattoo has caused a great shock to a young woman. (Image: belyjmishka /

No further symptoms

According to the report, the woman came to the clinic after she had felt swollen lymph nodes under her arms. She had no other symptoms, such as fever, night sweats, weight loss, or cough, and appeared healthy except for the small knots under the armpit. However, an X-ray showed other swollen lymph glands, including the lungs.

Doctors remove the black tumor

Since the lymph nodes in the patient had been enlarged for some time and there was no infectious disease or inflammation, the doctors suspected a serious cause: "99 percent of this is cancer," said the attending physician. Christian Bryant, according to the channel "CNN". The physicians at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney removed one of the lymph nodes and revealed a scary-looking, black tumor. But a close examination brought a surprising result: The reason for the swollen knots were not cancer cells, but the ink of a 15-year-old tattoo, which covered the back of the woman.

Immune cells monitor the skin

But how can that be? As the experts explain, the patient's immune system apparently reacted to the tattoo. "The skin has its own immune cells, which always monitor the skin," Dr. Bill Stebbins, director of cosmetic dermatology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

After the immune cells "discovered" the tattoo ink and identified it as a foreign substance, they picked it up and tried to destroy it. But that did not work because the color pigments were too big for the cells. As a result, the pigments of the tattoo colors had migrated as nanoparticles through the body and had accumulated over the years in the lymph nodes - until the end of dark, large tumors emerged.

Trigger for the reaction remains unknown

However, why the reaction only started 15 years after the tattoo was a mystery. The doctors could not have clearly explained what was the trigger, said Bryant. The patient has stated that her tattoos occasionally caused itching, but only for a few days each month. However, the type of inflammatory reaction in her lymph nodes - called granuloma - was not found in her skin.

An absolutely unusual case for Bryant and his colleagues - and the first time they've seen something like that, CNN announces. "Most people who have tattoos have absolutely no problems," says Bryant. "In our practice, we do a lot of laser tattoo removal, and sometimes we see people who develop allergic reactions to the ink," explains the director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in Manhattan. Bruce Katz. However, these reactions would result in red and not too black pigmentations.

No further danger to the patient

According to the report, the lymph node swelling of the woman has since declined. "The lady will have no more difficulties. That is, we can look at the case with interest without feeling sad, "said Bryant. "That does not happen often in my job," said the doctor.

Itching and inflammation due to tattoo colors

Experts repeatedly warn against health hazards caused by tattoos. It is not uncommon for bleeding to occur and allergic reactions to the pigments in the paints, which may be manifested by itchy rash or even severe inflammation, are common. Accordingly, the tattooing should necessarily be performed by a qualified person and only under strict hygienic conditions.

You should pay attention to tattoos

But what characterizes a good tattoo artist? In the selection of the studio, attention should be paid to hygiene. So check carefully if the tattooist wears fresh disposable gloves and uses sterile (undistilled) water to dilute the colors. Likewise, a clean job should be self-evident.

Instruments and materials such as needles, paper towels, swabs for skin injuries, etc. should generally be used only as disposable material. A reputable tattoo artist can also be recognized by the fact that he does not "sting" immediately, but first of all thoroughly advises the customer and explains possible risks. (No)