Doctors are getting ready for the flu vaccine

Doctors are getting ready for the flu vaccine / Health News
Medical practices, company doctors and health departments are getting ready for influenza vaccination
Although there is still a bit to go until the flu season, doctors in Thuringia are already preparing for the flu vaccine. Whether this vaccination makes sense, everyone must decide for themselves. For some people it is recommended by health experts.

Doctors are arming for influenza vaccine
Although the flu season usually begins in January and lasts on average three to four months, but now doctors, doctors and health departments in Thuringia are preparing for the flu vaccine. According to a message from the news agency dpa, the chairman of the Thuringian Pharmacists Association, Stefan Fink, stated on request that the pharmacies had supplied the first practices with vaccines.

It takes a while until the start of the flu season, but doctors are already preparing for the flu vaccine in Thuringia. This is recommended for some people. (Image: miss_mafalda /

No problems with vaccine bottlenecks
According to the data, there are no vaccine bottlenecks this year, unlike at times in previous years. Last year, nearly 450,000 Thuringians received this vaccine in practices or medical care centers. The Free State registered just under 5,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza in the 2015/16 season, with five people dying.

People from risk groups will be vaccinated
Whether a flu vaccine makes sense, everyone must decide for themselves. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it can provide even at the beginning and in the course of the flu epidemic still protection. Health experts recommend people from risk groups to get vaccinated. For example, seniors over the age of 60, pregnant women, the chronically ill, residents of retirement and care homes and medical staff will be advised by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) to take flu shots.

Ultimately, however, with the flu vaccine pros and cons weigh against each other. Vaccine critics point out in this context not only possible side effects, but also on the possibilities of natural protection. You can reduce the risk of infection by simple hygienic measures. Regular hand washing is recommended as well as coughing and sneezing in the crook or in a disposable handkerchief. (Ad)