Doctors Naturopathy relieves back pain

Doctors Naturopathy relieves back pain / Health News

The conventional conventional medicine sees in the combination with the naturopathy a relief of back pain. The Munich Naturopathic Pain Intensive Program Back (MNS-R) combines different therapies.

(30.06.2010) As the interdisciplinary pain ambulance at the University of Munich (LMU) announced, a new program has been developed, which not only uses orthopedic pain treatment but also natural therapy and traditional Chinese medicine for back pain. As the project manager Miriam Schopper said: "Our concept is based on the fact that the patient resources motivation, cognition, positive body perception and activity are an indispensable part of the pain therapy".

In order to be able to assess the pain level of chronic back pain individually, patients are examined by an interdisciplinary team of physicians and specialists in physiotherapy and pain psychology before participating in the "Munich Naturopathic Pain Intensive Program - Back" (MNS-R). Depending on the degree of discomfort and desire of the patient, a personalized therapy recommendation can then be carried out by doctors and therapists on an outpatient basis or at the University of Munich Hospital.

The program combines medical therapies with natural remedies of western naturopathy as well as traditional Chinese medicine applications. A team accompanies the program on a scientific basis and processes the results. Functionality, quality of life, stress management, life satisfaction, sick leave, treatment success and costs are in the doctor's mold. (Sb)