Rate doctors on the internet

Rate doctors on the internet / Health News

Online evaluation of doctors started: Insured of the AOK and Barmer can in future evaluate their doctor on the Internet


Statutory insured of the general local health insurance AOK and the Barmer GEK can now publicly rate their doctor with so-called doctor-navigator for everyone. The health insurance companies hope to gain more transparency and treatment quality from the registered physicians with the assessment portal. If the project starts well, all other insured persons should have access to the future „Health Navigator“ receive. In the future, patients could first check the assessed competence of the physician prior to a visit to the doctor. In addition, waiting times, the doctor's dedication and the speed with which appointments are made are also included in the evaluation. Doctors fear, however, that such an offer would allow competitors to influence the results and give unjustified assessments.

Will you use the Physician Navigator's offer before visiting a doctor? Can such a portal actually improve the quality of the treatments, as is the case, for example, with the holiday review portals??

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Online evaluation of doctors