Doctors Equal Pull or Drain As you get rid of spider veins and varicose veins again
Spider veins are often just a cosmetic problem, but they can also point to a venous disease. Patients should therefore have the causes of the bluish-red veins examined by a specialist. Against spider veins and varicose veins can also do something.
From a medical point of view usually harmless
Especially on the legs, the small bluish-red veins appear, which shimmer through the skin. The fine ramifications resemble thin branches - so Reisern - from which earlier brooms were made. Although spider veins from a medical point of view are generally harmless, but it is not excluded that behind a serious venous insufficiency hides. To be sure, you should get a check-up with a specialist. This may possibly explain the necessary treatment options.
A purely cosmetic problem
The exact causes of spider veins have not yet been scientifically clarified. Often sufferers have a hereditary predisposition to do so.
In addition, the emergence of spider veins is favored by, among other things, overweight or obesity, lack of exercise and hormonal changes during pregnancy. Women are generally more affected than men.
Means such as raw potatoes or unripe tomatoes, which are often recommended against spider veins, do not help, says Guido Bruning, venous specialist at the Hamburg hospital Tabea.
In a message from the news agency dpa he explains: "You can not treat spider veins yourself." To get rid of them, you have to go to the doctor.
This is not necessary, because spider veins are not dangerous. "It's a purely cosmetic problem," says Bruning.
Cash registers do not pay for the treatment of spider veins
During the treatment, the doctor pokes the enlarged blood vessels in legs and injects a sclerosing agent.
As explained in the dpa message, three to four sessions are needed to make the blue veins disappear. According to Bruning, each session costs between 40 and 100 euros. The health insurance companies will not cover the costs.
For varicose veins it looks different. These enlarged leg veins, which are easy to palpate from the outside, go back to a valve damage in the veins in contrast to spider veins.
Normally, the veins are stimulated by the muscle calf pump to move the blood flowing downwards back towards the heart. However, if the associated valves - the venous valves - are no longer tight, the blood will flow back.
In addition, the blood vessels also run out. "Whether one thing causes the other, so the damaged valves vein the veins or whether both happen at the same time, we do not yet know," explains Bruning.
Ways to treat varicose veins
As the statement says, varicose veins should be treated, otherwise chronic wounds may develop that do not heal. "The patient can wear compression stockings." In this way, the transport capacity in the veins is increased by an external stimulus.
In addition, a venous specialist may also pull out the affected major vein with local anesthesia and a small incision in the groin.
"The third option is to boil the vein." This method involves inserting a catheter into the vein below the knee. The blood vessel is then heated with electricity or light. Thereafter, the tissue dies off.
According to Bruning, varicose veins rarely return when the procedure - whether with a cut or catheter - is performed well. The vein specialist recommends going to a surgeon who often performs such procedures.
Move a lot and store your legs up
Although health experts give tips on how to prevent spider veins and varicose veins, but there is no reliable scientific evidence.
However, it is generally recommended to move a lot. For example, walks can help boost the return of the blood. In addition, advised to frequent high-altitude leg.
In principle, water applications can have a beneficial effect on your legs. These include, for example, the cold knee nut, a well-tried home remedy for varicose veins.
Heat, however, is not advisable. Persons with spider veins or varicose veins should not go to the sauna several times a week, because the blood vessels are also placed wide. (Ad)