About every second smoker would like to stop - so the smoke stop succeeds

About every second smoker would like to stop - so the smoke stop succeeds / Health News

Being a non-smoker is one of the most common New Year's resolutions

Although still over 25 percent of Germans smoke occasionally or permanently, but almost every second smoker wants to quit. In the spring of 2017, the Federal Association of German Pharmacist Associations (ABDA) commissioned a representative opinion poll on the topic of smoking. From this showed that 44 percent of all smokers want to stop. "Being a non-smoker is one of the most common New Year's resolutions. Good preparation facilitates the exit, "says Thomas Benkert, Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists.

Smokers feel awake and relaxed for a short while by consuming cigarettes. Nicotine activates the reward center in the brain within a few seconds, and after only a short time a physical dependence sets in. Smoking is a massive health hazard because it damages virtually every human organ. This not only increases the risk of cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease or stroke, but e.g. also for arteriosclerosis, impotence or osteoporosis. In addition, there are a number of other unpleasant consequences such. a limited sense of smell and taste, dental problems, increased wrinkling and premature aging of the skin.

Fewer and fewer people smoke in Germany and almost every second smoker wants to quit. Image: Brian Jackson - fotolia

What is important before quitting??

According to ABDA, before a planned smoking cessation you should make clear what habits you associate with smoking and how they can be replaced. When smoking is coupled to certain situations, it helps to seek new rituals. Instead of the cigarette after eating you can, for example, brush your teeth. Many smokers also feel a strong need for a cigarette when drinking coffee. The ABDA advises switching to another drink at first. In addition, you should no longer have cigarettes handy. If all else fails and the craving gets too big, you should use the three "A tips":
1st: Postpone - Take a deep breath
2nd: Dodge - avoid areas where people smoke
3rd: Distracting - For example, call someone or suck a lollipop
You can find more tips for quitting here.

The inner attitude counts

Over-the-counter medicines containing nicotine can help to reduce physical withdrawal symptoms. "Nicotine substitutes are for a transitional period only. On their own, they are usually not enough to say goodbye to the cigarette, "explains Benkert. Who wants to stop, above all, had to change his inner attitude. Depending on the smoking behavior, different dosage forms such as chewing gum or plaster are recommended. Chewing gums would be particularly suitable for smokers who have smoked on certain occasions, and nicotine patches rather for smokers who have smoked regularly throughout the day. "Anyone who wants to quit smoking should use the prevention services provided by local pharmacies and seek individual advice," advises Benkert.

Nicotine works faster than an injection

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) reports that nicotine reaches the brain within a few seconds after inhalation, where it exerts its effect. The effect is thus faster than with an injection. In the brain, nicotine binds to the so-called acetylcholine receptors - cells specialized for certain biochemical signaling processes. It suggests, for example, an increase in dopamine production, which is associated with an immediate sense of well-being or the feeling of calming. In addition to stimulating this process in the so-called "reward center" of the brain, nicotine also stimulates brain areas that are responsible for wakefulness and increased attention performance. Even as nicotine is being broken down, a new craving for smoke is developing to replenish the receptors in the brain. Without the regular dose of nicotine, physical withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness or irritability arise. To avoid these unpleasant feelings, many smokers puff their way to the next cigarette. (Fp)