Rösler's plans are loud SPD Mogelpackung

Rösler's plans are loud SPD Mogelpackung / Health News

Rösler's plans are loud SPD "Mogelpackung"

The savings plans in the field of pharmaceuticals by Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) have been heavily criticized by the SPD Secretary General Andrea Nahles: What seemed at first sight as a saving, according to the politician after basically nothing more than "disguised Pharmalobbyismus", because the pharmaceutical industry may sell their drugs in the future at immensely high prices. For example, Rösler's plans are that pharmaceutical companies will no longer be allowed to independently determine prices for new products without "control" from the outside, but that they will only have this freedom in the first year of product launch - then, according to the plan, should now the prices are negotiated with the health insurances on the basis of a valuation of the costs and benefits prepared by the enterprises and thereby decrease.

As beautiful as this idea sounds, for Andrea Nahles this should be treated with caution and with a view to the insured as a "pure sham" to consider. In addition, according to Nahles Rösler's plans would aim to abolish the statutory health insurance in its present form as a full insurance, because according to his plan insurers would in the future only a basic contribution for a part of the products take over - the rest would then of be taken over by the insured person. In plain language this would mean that anyone who would like to have better or adequate care, may have to dig deep into their pockets, or as Andrea Nahles puts it: "It divides our society into those who can afford full health insurance, and those who only get primary care. " (Sb, 28.03.2010)

To read more:
Health system: Rösler presents savings plans
CSU: Anger at Söder's health concept
Health insurance: 15 billion deficit expected