Red spots may indicate light skin cancer

Red spots may indicate light skin cancer / Health News

Red spots on the skin may indicate light skin cancer


Although skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, hardly anyone knows the condition. Although it is less dangerous than the more well-known black skin cancer, it is often perceived late by those affected. The day of the light skin cancer on 13 September is to clarify around the topic. If a tumor is on time, there are very good chances of recovery.

More and more new cases of pale skin cancer
Light skin cancer is about ten times as common as the more dangerous black skin cancer. „There are around 200,000 new cases every year in Germany alone, "reports Professor Eggert Stockfleth of the Skin Tumor Center at the Charité in Berlin, the chairman of the European Skin Cancer Foundation (ESCF) expects an increase of five to seven percent per year, yet the disease is largely unknown The ESCF has therefore launched the Day of Light Skin Cancer on September 13, which first took place in 2011. „The European Skin Cancer Foundation wants to raise awareness of skin cancers in public without spreading panic anxiety“, informs the ESCF on its website. „If you recognize it in time, the bright skin cancer is 100 percent curable, "explains Stockfleth.

Professor Uwe Reinhold, chairman of Onkoderm, a nationwide network of dermatologists specializing in cancer, advises: „If you notice a strange spot on your skin, you should go to the dermatologist immediately. "The sooner the treatment is done, the better the chances of recovery, and most of the surgical removal of the tumor is sufficient, explains the expert, for example radiation or cold therapy Photodynamic therapy is also a possibility in which the tumors are first treated with medicated creams or gels and then irradiated with special light sources. „Which therapy is the right one, but only the dermatologist can decide, "explains Reinhold.

Bright skin cancer due to UV radiation
Light skin cancer is mainly caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunbathing and regular visits to the solarium significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. The UV rays damage the genome of the skin cells. The body can repair this damage to some degree, but the immune system interferes with intense radiation. The release of messenger substances such as histamine leads to an expansion of the vessels, redness and itchy rash. This overloading of the skin can lead to the degeneration of skin cells. Horn cells then form wart-like structures, so-called keratoses, which can degenerate into white skin cancer.

Professor Claus Garbe from the University Hospital Tübingen, board member of the Dermatological Oncology Association of the German Dermatological Society, explains that the most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma: „Around four out of five patients suffer from this form. Often, the basal cell cancer occurs at the age of about 50 years.“ Basal cell carcinomas occur predominantly on the so-called sun terraces in the face. These include the bald head, forehead, nose, cheeks and ears. This type of tumors usually grows slowly. „In the initial stage they look like a slightly reddened spot, which can be sublime or flat, "explains Garbe. „Over time, the tumor will then encrust and may also bleed. "Basal cell carcinomas usually do not metastasize, but they are capable of destroying the surrounding tissue.

More rarely, the so-called spiny cell cancer occurs, which is also referred to as plate cell carcinoma or spinalioma. This form of bright skin cancer is primarily found on sun-exposed parts of the body, but can also occur elsewhere. Among the most vulnerable people are seniors in their 70s with sun-tanned skin. „A squamous cell carcinoma usually starts as a red knot that is cornucopying so that its surface feels like sandpaper, "explains Garbe, who finds that spiny cell cancer can form metastases.

Former forms of bright skin cancer are so-called actinic keratoses, of which around ten percent develop later into squamous cell carcinomas. The often only several millimeters large areas also occur mainly on the sun terraces on the face and on the bald head. Its rough surface resembles the Plattenzellkarzionom. Actinic keratoses, in contrast to carcinomas, only affect the uppermost layer of the skin and do not scatter.

Effective sunscreen prevents light skin cancer
Those who want to protect themselves from skin cancer should pay attention to effective sun protection. Arms, legs and head can be protected by light clothing. Sunscreens are also indispensable. Products with a high sun protection factor (SPF) such as SPF 30 or for lighter skin types LSF 40 are recommended by dermatologists for the summer months. Especially during a beach holiday, repeated creams a day is absolutely necessary. Since the sun is strongest at lunchtime, it should be avoided during this time. Especially people with fair skin should pay attention to sufficient sun protection and if possible stay in the shade. Even children and the sick, whose immune system is weakened, are particularly endangered skin cancer, explains Reinhold. „The same applies to patients who had to undergo an organ transplant. "

The German Cancer Aid also strongly advised against solarium visits. The risk of developing skin cancer is significantly increased by the artificial radiation. According to a recent study by the International Institute for Preparatory Research in Lyon and the European Cancer Institute, more than 3,400 new cases of skin cancer in Europe are attributable to artificial tanning every year.

In addition to the preventive measures, statutory health insurance in Germany, starting from the age of 35, is entitled every two years to a free check-up as part of the skin cancer screening. (Ag)

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