Red currant sour and healthy

Red currant sour and healthy / Health News

Redcurrant season: Healthy from the local garden


Some fruits of the home garden are especially healthy. So also the currants whose season begins at the end of June. Currants have a significantly higher vitamin C content than, for example, lemons and can be processed into numerous delicacies, according to the consumer information service "aid".

When it comes to health, currants in this country unjustly enjoy a much lower popularity than other seasonal fruits such as strawberries or cherries. They contain a lot of vitamin C and provide important minerals such as iron, potassium or magnesium. The redcurrant season begins at the end of the month.

Currants with a slightly tart and sour aroma
Currants take their name from their ripening season, which begins around June 24th. From then on, until the end of August, the red, black or white fruits are harvested in this country, so the information in the seasonal calendar of the consumer information service on the website „“. The currants are characterized by their slightly acidic tart aroma, although the light currants are slightly milder than the red. For example, the aid recommends fruit salads or quark dishes. But also as a cake topping, ingredient for red fruit jelly, jam, fruit drinks, liqueurs or wines, the currants are excellent, according to the consumer information service.

Currants with many positive effects on health
The currants contain about 177 to 189 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit more than three times as high a concentration of vitamin C as lemons (about 50 milligrams per 100 grams). The vitamin C has many beneficial effects on health, in combination with the phenolic acids and flavonoids also contained in currants and the deposition of cholesterol on the arterial walls prevented and thus the risk of hypertension and heart attacks can be reduced. In addition, the currants have a relatively high proportion of fiber, which also contribute to lowering the cholesterol level and promote digestion. The currant season should therefore be used to do something good not only the palate but also the body. So that nothing is in the way of enjoyment, the fruits are best eaten fresh. In the fridge, the currants can also be stored for a few days, but the berries should not be separated from the so-called panicles. Immediately before consumption, the berries are relatively easy to separate from the panicles with a fork and can then be washed and prepared. (Fp)

Image: JMG /