Rooibos Natural drink for athletes

Rooibos Natural drink for athletes / Health News

Rooibos: natural drink for athletes


A natural drink that balances the loss of fluids during sports activities is the South African rooibos tea. An athlete can lose over three liters of sweat per hour. Even a water loss of two percent of body weight leads to impaired performance. In addition, the body loses important minerals and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The consequences of potassium or magnesium deficiency. A balanced fluid balance is essential to ensure full physical and mental strength. This applies to professional athletes as well as to every recreational athlete.

Rooibos is particularly rich in electrolytes and is very suitable for filling up the mineral deposits emptied by sweating. It grows exclusively in the South African highlands and is ubiquitous as a national drink. The mineral ingredients of the herbal tea are almost congruent with the substances that are lost during sweating. Rooibos contains a lot of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, it has a high vitamin C content and is very digestible, as it is caffeine-free and contains only a few tannins. That makes the tea the ideal sports drink.

Another plus: unlike many other drinks Rooibos tastes in all temperatures. Whether freshly brewed, as iced tea or lukewarm from the bottle on the sidelines. The tea is always tasty and refreshes the spent body.

Tea recommendation: Wild organic Rooibos Skoon
The organic tea Skoon Wild Mountain Rooibos tea tea "tea exclusive" is a wild tea from South Africa. The tea comes from controlled organic cultivation (kbA) and is neither sprayed nor fertilized. The variety is characterized by its characteristic mild and sweet aroma, its scent reminiscent of caramel and honey. So this special Wild Mountain Rooibos tea is true to its name, because Skoon comes from the language Afrikaans and means „pure and beautiful“. (Pm)

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Picture: Andrea Kusajda