RKI flu outbreak is just beginning

RKI flu outbreak is just beginning / Health News

Robert Koch Institute: Flu wave has not yet reached its peak


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), this year's flu epidemic will reach its peak in the coming weeks. Until then, a further increase in influenza infections is to be expected, said the RKI epidemiologist Silke Buda on Friday „morning show“ the ZDF. „The numbers are still rising, and we expect that for the coming weeks“, so Burda.

So far, just under 2,400 have been flogged for the 2012/2013 flu season „Clinically laboratory-confirmed influenza cases were transmitted to the RKI“, so the information in the current „Influenza weekly report“ the working group influenza at the Robert Koch Institute. Almost one fifth of those affected were hospitalized because of the condition. „Two clinically-diagnosed deaths from influenza infection“ has reported the RKI for the current flu season. To protect yourself from a disease, be one „Vaccination is still the best option“, explained RKI epidemiologist Silke Buda. However, the reservations about influenza vaccinations in the population are still great, not least because there are fears of side effects and that the vaccination protection is limited in time.

Flu vaccine also for pregnant women
According to the RKI, the current flu season has started very early. Much of the infection is due to influenza A viruses and their subtypes (H1N1, H3N2), as well „Influenza B infection as well as non-A or B differentiated influenza cases“ were not uncommon. In order to protect against infection, direct contact with patients should be avoided as far as possible and attention paid to hygiene (regular hand washing), explained the RKI expert. In particular, elderly, chronically ill and pregnant women should be recommended a flu vaccine, especially since after the relatively weak flu epidemic in the winter of 2011/2012 is currently expected to be a significantly more severe flu season. The vaccination recommendation for pregnant women had been issued by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute in 2010 for the first time. There is no particular risk for the unborn child due to the vaccine. Basically „a vaccine is safe at any stage of pregnancy“, However, it is recommended by the STIKO only from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Reservations in the population about flu vaccines
Despite the recommendations of the RKI and the STIKO, there are still clear reservations in the population regarding flu vaccinations. Even if the STIKO emphasizes that „in studies no increased number of severe reactions due to vaccination“ were found in pregnant women, only a few pregnant women decide to a flu shot. You can also see by the note of STIKO that „neither the number of premature births or caesarean sections increased“ was, „still differences in health status of infants after birth“ passed, not convincing. The concern that the vaccine could harm the unborn baby remains. A thoroughly understandable concern, based on studies of possible side effects of the vaccine used in the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Here, for example, an increased occurrence of sleeping sickness (narcolepsy) and the so-called Guillain-Barré syndrome was under discussion. Although experts do not see similar risks with the current vaccine, skepticism persists in many pregnant women. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Martin Büdenbender