Ritalin for good grades?

Ritalin for good grades? / Health News

Ritalin for good grades?

Researchers at the Ernest Gallo Center at the University of California, San Francisco are currently reporting on research that might be used by Ritalin as a tool „cognitive performance enhancement“ not only in attention and concentration disorders (AD / H / S) make interesting.
Reason for this assumption are experiments in rats, the drug from the group of methylphenidates was injected into a specific area of ​​the brain (amygdala), where it led to increased activity of two dopamine receptors (D1, D2). As a result, they learned so „doped“ Rats better and faster than the saline-treated control group.

However, the concern of affected parents whose children with the diagnosis of AD / H / S show side-effects of stimulants, such as Ritalin, in the ongoing search for alternative forms of therapy and medicines from Naturopathy (ADHD). Parents fear damage to health and experience their own child under the medication in part as „strange“ and „essentially changed“, which has a negative impact on the relationship. The children themselves learn that they only use the tablet „function“, which, together with their previous, mostly negative learning experiences, can lead to great losses in self-image and self-esteem. Sometimes this development even leads to a depressive symptomatology.

Since it seems very questionable, if from research and science the exultant message comes along, Ritalin is probably suitable for general learning and performance, „weaves“ Let's go a little further, what consequences this may have for the self-image and self-worth of a whole society.
(Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 09.03.2010)