Risky ignorance Never heat such foods in microwave ovens

Risky ignorance Never heat such foods in microwave ovens / Health News

Possible health risks: Which foods are not in the microwave

Although still edible, millions of tonnes of food end up in the bin every year. Warming up food can help to avoid waste. Especially fast is the microwave. But it should be noted that not all food should be heated in it.

Practical household appliance

The microwave is one of the most common household appliances in this country. In practical appliances, hot meals are ready within minutes. However, some consumers fear that eating from the microwave is not healthy. "However, this concern is unfounded," reports the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

In the microwave, hot meals are ready within minutes. However, not all food should be warmed up in practical appliances. (Image: Alexey Rotanov / fotolia.com)

Composition of the food does not change

"The electromagnetic radiation of the microwave only causes the components of the food to vibrate, so that heat is generated. However, the composition of the food does not change. The waves are not strong enough, "say the experts.

And: "The food can not absorb any rays. Food from the microwave are just as harmless as dishes from the cooking pot. "The customer review has been automatically translated from German.

However, some foods should not end up in the microwave to warm you up - otherwise you risk health risks.

Do not warm the chicken in the microwave

Experts advise against heating up cold chicken in the microwave. This is because the protein structures in the meat change, which is why our body can no longer process the proteins properly.

This can lead to digestive problems, nausea and diarrhea.

The poultry should therefore be better warmed up in the stove, taking care that it is completely and evenly heated for several minutes. The meat should ultimately be hot even in the middle.

Enjoy mushrooms better fresh

Also mushrooms should not be in the microwave. Not only because they taste fresh when cooked best, but also because they can form dangerous toxins during prolonged storage that can cause health problems such as nausea or vomiting.

Basically, keep leftovers of mushroom dishes cool and store them in the fridge for no longer than one day. This also applies to dishes with spinach.

When warming up once, the food should be heated to at least 70 degrees. Once again, the court should not be warmed up.

Possible explosions and gastrointestinal complaints

It is also refrained from warming up eggs, above all from hard-boiled ones. Because this could lead to an explosion, through which the microwave is properly polluted.

In worse cases, it is even possible that the shell is only blown up when the egg has already been removed from the device. Then there is the danger of being scalded by the hot liquid contained.

But other egg dishes such as omelettes do not belong in the microwave. Because similar to poultry protein structures can change, which can cause stomach discomfort.

In addition, a risk of salmonella threatens if the eggs were not heated long enough either during the first preparation or during the warm-up.

Salmonella are bacteria that can cause severe stomach / bowel disease (salmonellosis).

The disease occurs several hours to days after infection and manifests itself mainly by sudden onset of diarrhea, abdominal pain, malaise, feeling cold and headache.

In some cases, vomiting and mild fever are added.

Warming up in a saucepan is safer

Cooked rice and potatoes that have not been stored quickly in the refrigerator after preparation are also at some risk because spores and fungi may form in them.

If the food is then heated only briefly or at too low a temperature, the germs are not killed. The result can be food poisoning.

Basically, a health hazard can not be ruled out when heating these foods in the microwave.

The cooking pot or stove are considered the safer alternatives. Because by thorough cooking or heating bacteria can be killed.

When heated in the microwave, the food is usually not heated hot enough or long enough. Therefore, for example, it does not make sense to warm pizza pieces from the previous day.

Also from the warming up of coffee better distance should be taken. Not necessarily for health reasons, but because the taste suffers considerably. (Ad)