Risky herbal mixture Five children had to go to the clinic for legal highs

Risky herbal mixture Five children had to go to the clinic for legal highs / Health News
14-year-old after consuming legal highs in intensive care
Time and again, health experts and youth advocates point out the dangerous side effects of herbal mixtures. But the so-called "legal highs" are popular with some young people. In Niedersachsen, five adolescents have now landed in the hospital after consuming the drugs - one in the intensive care unit.

14-year-old must be transferred to intensive care
In Braunschweig, five children and adolescents aged 13 and 14 have come to the hospital after consuming herbal mixtures. As the police said, a passer-by had become aware of the helpless and had alerted the emergency services.

According to the information, five ambulances and an ambulance were deployed to take care of the children, some of whom had already vomited, and bring them to the children's hospital. Three of them were later released. However, a 14-year-old was transferred to the intensive care unit in Wolfsburg.

In Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, five children and adolescents have landed in the hospital after consuming herbal mixtures. A 14-year-old had to be transferred to the intensive care unit. (Image: Jörg Hüttenhölscher / fotolia.com)

Experts warn against herbal mixtures
It was initially unclear where the adolescents had the herbal mixtures. The police informed the guardians and began to investigate the origin of the substances consumed.

Experts have warned for years of so-called legal highs, which are sold as supposedly harmless herbal mixtures. The state government of Rhineland-Palatinate has recently pointed out on its website on the danger of drugs and their great relevance to the protection of minors.

Serious health consequences
The intoxicants can lead to poisoning and depending on the composition trigger panic attacks and hallucinations. In addition, physical impairments such as blood pressure fluctuations, nausea and vomiting, respiratory distress, serious cardiovascular problems, cramping or comatose states can occur. (Ad)