Proper hand washing Optimum hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection
By hand washing drastically reduce the risk of infection
Although small children are taught to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly, even many adults neglect this simple hygiene measure. Optimal hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection and, among other things, helps to protect against colds.
Regular hand washing protects against illnesses
Even at an early age children are taught to wash their hands before eating or after playing games. Most people do not think about it in adulthood and think it's a matter of course. But still some are a bit careless. And that although hand washing according to experts is the most important hygiene rule ever. For the International Day of Hand Washing on 15.10. Experts draw attention to the health benefits of this simple hygiene measure.
For the International Day of Hand Washing, health professionals are alerting to the importance of this simple hygiene measure. By properly washing your hands you also protect yourself from infectious diseases. (Image: Alexander Raths / infectious diseases are transmitted via the hands
According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 80 percent of all infectious diseases are transmitted by hand.
According to medical experts, the risk of developing gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, flu or cold can be significantly reduced by proper hand washing.
The Medical University of Vienna has recently published a video, which should be paid particular attention.
Important is the hygiene measure especially in health facilities. The MedUni Vienna and the General Hospital of the City of Vienna state this in a communication.
Optimal hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection by 30 percent
Hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective way to prevent the transmission of pathogens and thus the occurrence of infections in healthcare facilities.
As Elisabeth Presterl, Head of the Department of Hospital Hygiene and Infection Control at MedUni Vienna and AKH Vienna, said hand hygiene with hand disinfection before and after a patient contact, whether by attending physician or visit, reduces the risk of infection by 30 percent.
"Hand hygiene is simple, effective and takes less than 30 seconds, but can save lives," said Presterl.
"Hand hygiene is of particular importance in a hospital. Also for the visitors, "says the physician. "It is equally important that no one comes to visit who is ill himself. The risk of infection is too high, "said Presterl.
At the same time, she does not believe in "exaggerated" child hygiene in everyday life: "You should also be a kid and sometimes be dirty, but when you come home and after the toilet, washing your hands is very important."
Additional hands disinfection in hospitals
Also from the point of view of other experts, you should spend 20 to 30 seconds for the hygiene measure. To get a feel for this time, UNICEF Unicef recommends singing the song "Happy Birthday" twice when washing your hands. This is the optimal time to remove the most dangerous bacteria and viruses.
While it is not true that washing hands without soap is pointless, according to health experts, it is much more effective if soap is used, as it removes dirt and microbes better from the skin than water alone.
The water temperature is not so important. However, grease and dirt dissolve in warm water a little easier.
In healthcare facilities, additional hand disinfection is needed.
"Due to the increasing number of multi-resistant pathogens, the importance of preventing transmission of infections and their pathogens has to be constantly reminded," explained Presterl.
International studies have shown that even with an increase in the hand disinfection rate from 48 percent to 66 percent, a reduction in infections from 17 percent to 10 percent follows. (Ad)