Sleep properly and avoid back pain

Sleep properly and avoid back pain / Health News

A correct posture and good conditions prevent back pain


Restful sleep - an often underestimated prerequisite for well-being, motivation, health and professional and personal success. Nothing regenerates body and mind better than the recovery phase at night. But almost every second German rolls back and forth in bed and does not find the desired peace. Common cause: Back pain caused by incorrect posture and stress in everyday life. Conversely, night-time lying down often causes even painful tension.

„The posture of the spine during sleep should be as close to the upright posture position as possible to relax the joints and muscles“, advises Dr. Thomas Kramm from orthonet-NRW - a consortium of established orthopedists in North Rhine-Westphalia. „The prone position is not suitable for this because the back thereby forms a hollow back and the head overstretches. For example, tensions develop in the neck, explains Dr. med. Kramm. If you only find peace in this position, you should at least put a pillow under your stomach to stretch the hollow back. When sleeping on your back - basically the best ergonomic position - place the cushion under your knees to relieve the lumbar spine. In the lateral position a padding between the knees helps to counteract a misalignment of the pelvis. „From an orthopedic point of view, however, the most important thing in every sleeping position is that the spine is well supported,“ emphasizes Kramm.

Therefore, the choice of bed, slatted frame, mattress and pillows play an important role in healthy sleep. Back-friendly mattresses adapt to the body shape without yielding too much. The higher the body weight, the harder it may be. Flexible lower suspension provides the necessary mobility, so that the discs again fill with the nutrient fluid, which they lose during the day by movement and pressure of body weight. Special neck cushions also ensure a relaxed posture of the head and shoulders. The bed itself should be at least 20 cm taller than the body size and at least one meter wide. Only so it offers enough space.

But also external conditions have a decisive effect on the quality of sleep. Experts recommend a room temperature of 16 to 18 degrees, adequate ventilation and duvets that dissipate moisture and ensure a dry and warm bed climate. Certain behaviors, such as rest periods, tune-in through music or reading, and abstinence from heavy meals and nicotine late in the evening, also make a significant contribution to falling asleep and waking up refreshed and refreshed the next morning. (Pm)