Properly applied pelvic floor training in bladder weakness wholesome

Properly applied pelvic floor training in bladder weakness wholesome / Health News
Patients who suffer from bladder weakness can quickly regain their quality of life if they confide in the professionals early enough. If the incontinence is only slightly pronounced, targeted pelvic floor training can alleviate the symptoms, says Ursula Funke, President of the Landesapothekerkammer Hessen. It says: "The less the incontinence has progressed, the easier it is to treat the symptoms." According to the State Pharmacy, pelvic floor training is very effective.

Triggers for incontinence are versatile
An infallible sign of urinary incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine, for example, when sneezing or exercising. In most cases, insufficiently trained pelvic floor is the reason for uncontrollable urination. Often, older people are affected by bladder weakness. But even after a pregnancy, a temporary incontinence may occur, for example, when it comes to injuries at birth. Obesity also puts strain on the pelvic floor. To minimize pressure on the muscles and reduce incontinence, overweight patients should reduce weight as much as possible. Other triggering factors include stress or, specifically, male prostate disorders and associated surgeries. It is important that patients have their complaints clarified to the doctor. Thereafter, a treatment can be carried out by a targeted pelvic floor training or with medication.

Pelvic floor training is the best way to alleviate bladder weakness. (Image: from Lieres /

It depends on the right training
A great help for those who suffer from incontinence are regular pelvic floor exercises and light exercise. Gynecologists, urologists, physiotherapists and pharmacists can give helpful advice and often have the right brochures with exercise instructions ready. Generally speaking, not all physical activity is suitable for training the pelvic floor: aerobics or jogging are often unnecessarily burdened by jerky, fast movements. Muscular and conditioning-strengthening sports such as swimming, yoga or gymnastics are ideal. In addition, patients should make for a slight bowel movement and not press too hard during the toilet. Some sufferers want to reduce urinary frequency by drinking less. But that does not always do the body good. The better option is to abstain from diuretic drinks such as coffee, tea or alcohol. Patients may also use mild pumpkin seeds or saw palmetto fruit extract medication to strengthen the bladder muscle. Pharmacists are happy to advise you on these gentle methods.

Some medications increase the pressure
There are medicines that can increase fluid excretion and thereby increase incontinence. Some tranquilizers provide relaxation of the bladder muscles and thus also promote incontinence. Even when taking certain groups of cardiovascular drugs, the bladder weakness may increase. "Your local pharmacist will advise you at all times about possible effects of drugs on the bladder. Take advantage of this information opportunity, "recommends Ursula Funke. At the pharmacy, patients also receive detailed and discreet advice on the use of templates, diapers and other incontinence products. (Sb, pm)